Puneet Narang7

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since Aug 18, 2001
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Recent posts by Puneet Narang7

Leena, Wish you all the best may you join as soon as possible and do well there. Whats this National Exam you r talking about? Please inform about it if possible.
Hope I get settled soon as well.
Bye, No Jayalalitha this time
23 years ago
Dear Leena,
Thanks for the compliment. I am thinking of start writing jokes & other humorous stuff till Jayalalitha slims down to Aishwarya again!!
Whats your priority now, Leena?
23 years ago
Thanks Leena, U urself scored amazingly well.
Best Wishes,
23 years ago
Congrats Leena,
Very Great SCORE.
Many Wsihes for the Future,
23 years ago
Many Congrats for your job, Ashik. Please be in touch for sharing your job experiences.
All the Best,
23 years ago
Many Congrats for your job, Ashik. Please be in touch for sharing your job experiences.
All the Best,
23 years ago
Dear Ashik,
Yes I am looking at the job as well and like you quite close in getting one. The good news, what I am hearing from people, is that IT is picking up again! Someone who's having his company in New Delhi was telling me that we are getting the business again and also many others are getting more projects now. Whats the news from Dhaka?
I will start a bit of work on SCWCD. Any other good links u know apart from link here at javaranch? People saying its easier than JCP is good news.
Best Regards,
23 years ago
Dear Padmaja,
At present I am thinking of nothing else than a job. Left a good job after my MBA for doing Java(At that time IT was as hot as Aishwarya, now its like Jayalalitha!!!). So, idea now is to get some practical experience alongwith that, work on SCWCD.
Will definitely inform when I get a job and about experiences there.
Best Regards,
23 years ago
Thats what the great stuff is made of!
Hats off to you Matts.
23 years ago
Thanks Dave, thank you so much for the encouraging words.
Thanks Padmaja, you have been a source of inspiration for all of us. Very interesting was the way we lamented Lala when he passed that stupid comment. The feeling that time of "How dare u say anything to our hardworking friend?" was great and talks about the unity of all of us javaranchers. So, whats on now, Padmaja?
Thanks Shyamsunder, for the encouragement.
Thanks Ashik, u have been a very dear friend of all of us. Most seen at javaranch too. Moderators must be noting the great work by you at javaranch and I am sure you would be given the chance to be a bartender one day!( treat for saying that later from you!!!). Looking for a job, Ashik?
Thanks Lora, I will do well in the next certification with your kind wishes.
Thanks Jane, ur notes were very helpful.
23 years ago
Passed SCJP with just 64% though I have been getting 80-90% in the mock exams. I knew that 8 hrs hilly journey by bus, and upon that, not getting a wink of sleep all night at a new place will take its toll(I was feeling very sore the morning of the exam) but i never thought that things could go so bad.
Anyway thats life, its very painful and difficult to accept but it also makes me more determined to come back strongly in the next venture.
Would-Be-SCJP's should take GREAT care that they take enough REST before the exam, more importantly when you are travelling QUITE MUCH for the exam. Exam is not tough but its very CRUCIAL to be RELAXED and FULLY ALERT on the exam day.
May God Bless that I was the last person with this bad experience and everybody else gets the 100% due of his/her efforts!
Down but NOT OUT,
Puneet Narang
23 years ago
Farooq Bhai, check the test centre info at www.2test.com
23 years ago
Manasvi, you are just GREEEEEEAT!
Congratulations! U r advice very well noted.
Best Regards,
23 years ago
Many Congrats Java,
We are all around here as we love ur surname "Java".
Very Nice score.
wish u best in the future,
23 years ago
Angela, Your Advice very well noted.
Its not so easy for everyone to be as frank as you.
Wishing You the BEST,
23 years ago