Did the exam questions scattered exact the same %of topics
as mentioned in the objectives are is there any particular
topic which needs to be given more attention.
I dont remember exactly but i guess so.
what's the present 340 title do they have Basic Admin.. word in it will that matter ?
If u feel so, u can go for 341. that is advanced one.but 340 will be a good start.
If I may ask will passing of this exam valued in industry ?
It was my project requirement os i did that.
I believe u know about 341 what was you criteria to choose 340 ?
As the title of the certificate itself explains that 340 is basic level. In 341, they have advanced topics, like clustering etc.
I searched a lot on the net about the mock tests, sample tests ,reference materials but there is such stuff on the net only the IBM RedBooks are the one that can help u.
Good luck..