Louis Fegun

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Recent posts by Louis Fegun

Just got the result today after what appeared to be an unending wait. My gratitude to the ranchers. This is great forum. The process of completing the assignment proved to be a great learning experience and I woould recommend it to practising or aspiring J2EE Architects. The result detail is as follows:
Score 95.
This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70.
Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 39
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 44 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12
Congratulations! that's awsome. I am happy for you. So what next. Please provide more tips if you can.
You can use a flow guard to separate the flows. Example
....normal flow (A=b)
[IF A!=B]
.... alternat flow
Hope this helps.
I agree with Scott, the component diagram should at the minimum indicate the component technologies used to realize the design. As for JSP stereotype in a class diagram, that will be way out. You could have a "view" stereotype instead to decribe your jsp component classes.
Thanks Alain. That was very helpful.
You will need the two controllers no doubt since they handle two different clients and thus two different protocols are involved. However, you will only need SFSB if you must manage state for a client. Which doesn't seem like a requirement.
Hi Alain-
Congratulations!!!. Thanks for sharing your insight on the assignment. Quick question for you. Do you have to show all the classes bearing the pattern and framework - e.g. Business delegate, Service Locator classe, etc, in the sequence diagram. My sequence diagram is already looking very long because of many classes and I am trying to control it.
I will appreciate any suggestions on this.
Just passed passed part 1. The score distributioin is as follows:
concepts 100
common arch 50
legacy 60
ejb 77
ejb container 100
protocols 66
applicability 66
design patterns 80
messaging 100
i18n 100
security 100
As usual I got a lot of help from this great forum. Resources used are:
Whizlab test engine
SCEA (the new book that Ajith just reviewed) - by Allen & Bambara
SCEA sturdy guide by Cade
EJB by Monson Haefel (2nd edition)
Now to part 2. My gratitude to the ranchers for being such a great help.
SCJP2, SCWCD, XML & Related Tech., SCEA-1
I got the book and am already reading it. It seems to be best book for the exam that have been written so far. It's quite comprehensive and addresses the exam objectives.
Hey John-
Welcome to Javaranch. Try the SCEA link below. You will see all the information you need to get started. There is no pre-requisite exam for the SCEA certification.
The much awaited SCEA book is finally out. I got a copy and so far it's been a good read. The title is: Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051);
and you can get it at a good price at http://www.bookpool.com/.x/re87hnr1er/sm/0072226870
Wish you all the best in your studies.
XML@Whiz is very good in helping you to understand the concepts. However, the xpath /xsl questions are a lot different from what you will see in the IBM exam. The IBM exam is more concept oriented. There are no complicated xpath expressions. The xpath/xsl/shema/dtd syntax/programming questions are short and they test your understanding of the concepts.

Originally posted by Rakesh Gudur:
Hai Fegun,
I'm taking sample tests using XML@Whiz test tool. I'm scoring only 30 to 32 in the exams I've taken where I need to score 38.
I feel the sample tests are tough and the questions given are too complicated with complex XPath expressions. Do you think the real exam will be so tough? I found that the sample test concentrates more on the syntaxes rather than on concepts. Pls let me know if the IBM exam will also be on similar lines.

Yes, I agree with Chintan. Of what use are the exam notes when they are no accessible. Moderators please help. Just wrote the XML exam and the info page provided all the links that one would ever need to understand the technology and pass the exam.
I passed the exam today with a score of 68%. The exam was very confusing. I am happy I passed. As mentioned earlier, the exam waas heavy on Schema, DTD, XSL, XPATH and about 3-4 questions on XML signature and web services. Many thanks to my fellow ranchers for their invaluable contributins to this forum. Now moving to SCEA. All the best to those of you who are still preparing.
[ July 01, 2002: Message edited by: Louis Fegun ]