Rohit Poddar

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since Aug 18, 2001
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Recent posts by Rohit Poddar

Thanks Peer.

I am thinking if it is even worth taking such an outdated certification where most of the underlying technology has changed.

Does anyone know if a new syllabus is in works and if it is coming out soon?
Please pardon my ignorance but I have just started looking into getting this cert. Can Metro 1.0 be used with Glassfish App server or Sun Java System Application Server PE 9.0 Update 1 can be used for preparing for this exam?

Thanks Chris.
1) Are these JMX timer beans available in WLS 6.1?
2) Any exapmles / links will greatly help.
20 years ago
Is there a way to schedule jobs in WLS 6.1 besides the now deprecated Time Services? Or a free third party product?
Any help is appreciated.
20 years ago
I have code like this in my JSP.
<jsp:include page="/templates/standardcontentpod.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp aram name="podHead" value='<%= name %>'/>
Now the 'name' might have an '&' in it like 'Mason & Company'.
What happens now is in /templates/standardcontentpod.jsp when I do
String podHead = request.getParameter("podHead");
I only get 'Mason ' and rest of it gets truncated. That might be happening as it might be considered as a query string and since all the params in qString are separated by an '&' app server is thinking that anything after '&' is another param.
Do you guys have a colution for it?
[ August 19, 2003: Message edited by: Rohit Poddar ]
21 years ago
On our website we want our users to be able to upload files to our servers. Any help will be appreciated.
21 years ago
Does anyone know if there is anything in Struts to facilitate upload of files?
21 years ago
Does anyone know if there is anything in Struts to facilitate upload of files?
21 years ago
Thanks. I like the idea of same name and array.
21 years ago
I have a requirement where the HTML form input paramater names are dynamically generated and hence I cannot have them as property in ActionForm bean. How can I handle this in Struts framework? The input field I am trying to use will of type select.
21 years ago
I have a requirement where the HTML form input paramater names are dynamically generated and hence I cannot have them as property in ActionForm bean. How can I handle this in Struts framework? The input field I am trying to use will of type select.
21 years ago
I have a requirement where the HTML form input paramater names are dynamically generated and hence I cannot have them as property in ActionForm bean. How can I handle this in Struts framework? The input field I am trying to use will of type select.
21 years ago
Congratualtions Ashik
Great feedback
Thank you all for your congratulations !!
Somehow I also have the feeling that Sun is going to make this test difficult over the period of time…. What we have been reading here on Ranch also suggests that the questions are getting better (difficult) now…
I was expecting less then 20 questions on JSP. And after posting that I got 20 questions I tried to recall all the questions and realized there were actually about 24 on JSP !!
1) I used Whizlab’s test. It certainly helped me a lot. But every test I took in Whizlab I was able to complete it in 35-40 minutes but the real test took me about 65-70 minutes. I think whizlab should increase the level of difficulty and ask more of conceptual questions then the ones which require sharp memory….
2) About Design Patterns, yes I too clicked the ones specified in Objectives (and got 100%) but I think one should know about other patterns too as that will help you select the right answer.
1) I had about a years experience developing Servlets/ Jsp, which helped a lot. Every person getting ready to take the SCWCD should definitely write lots of programs.
2) The only book I used was O’Rielly and that too only for reading security.
3) Sun Specification on Sevlet and JSP is the best source. I read them twice.
4) Memorize DTDs for Tag lib. and web deployment.
5) Read APIs whenever you are free.
6) Used Webligic 6.1 as app. Server and used their documentation a lot. Specially the material on web deployment descriptor.
7) Ofcourse the discussions on our own Javaranch helped a lot,
8) Javaranch mock and Whizlab mocks.

Thanks, and have you already taken the test?
Hello Ranchers,
I passed this morning with 94 % !!
Wanted to thank you all for the good Posts and active discussions.
One thing was a little odd (or atleast I thought it was) that there were about 18-20 Qs on JSP.
I will be around for a few days and will be more then willing to answer any specific questions that you guys might have.
Thanks once again,
[ January 22, 2002: Message edited by: Rohit Poddar ]