First of all, I'm sorry but I'mt not speaking very well English (rather so bad), so I could be wrong to interpret and/or answer.
Ok, so you're saying that it's better not to use a byte as a key because it would create problems when then I have to change the value of m (m = 1, m = 2, etc.)?
So I would need a Java function that, taken one byte (which I see as a decimal), decompose the bytes in portions long m with m variable.
Right? And how can I do that?
Question: is it right to throw the two most significant bit or the least significant?
Is correct to not consider the "excess" bits?
Why are 2 or 3-bit numbers (32 65 97 98 99 100 101...)? It should not be sequences of 8-bit type 00000000, 00000001, 00000010, etc?
I was wrong to use the method?
I must definitely use another method. I read that in Java you can read the files only to the maximum until the bytes, for example not as a bit sequence...
Nikki Smith wrote:
Last thing, is I'm supposed to use an example of polymorphism, but I can't even understand what it is, muchless what it looks like. Could someone please help? :3