Tim Duncan

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since Aug 20, 2001
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Recent posts by Tim Duncan

The Prometric site just says passed/failed. Does the Sun site give score as well?
Is there a table of contents or some description of coverage available? I couldn't see any of that on Amazon, which is usually pretty useful. Sample chapter?


Originally posted by Jimmy Carter:
Share with us some smart IT management stories.

How about this site?

Originally posted by Amanda Fu:
Who could tell me why I cannot register in the above URL?

If the first URL doesn't work, try the second. Works for me (YMMV)

Originally posted by Balaji Loganathan:
If you not keen on learning sun based webservice toolkit, then you can Apache Axis ...

There's also the IBM Webservices development kit

20 years ago

Originally posted by Tong Chen:
I just think J2EE and .NET can co-exist in lot of companies.

Yup, especially after takeovers, and trying to get systems to work together.
Lots of challenges there!
[ June 09, 2004: Message edited by: Tim Duncan ]

Originally posted by Jaspreet Singh UK:
document-literal [...]
procedure-encode [...]

I think this is confusing two separate things. Yes, document=XML, procedure=XML representing RPC; but literal/encode is about how the XML is represented. Note that for WS-I Basic Profile you can ignore encode, as they mandate literal only.

--- Tim
Name: Tim Duncan; Took date: 2004.06.04; Place: Dunfermline, Scotland
Yup, it's from "Java Web Services Architecture" by McGovern et al.
You can also find it, another chapter from the same book, and sample chapters from other books at Sun:

--- Tim
The community edition of Poseidon is free, and sufficient for Part II.

Originally posted by Voytek Jarnot:
If I design a system using CMP (now recommended from a performance standpoint in EJB 2.0), CMR, local interfaces, etc. - will that be acceptable?

If your solution assumes EJB 2.0 then document the assumption.

Originally posted by Sri Addanki:
And before that i need to finish all 3 parts right?

No, the current exam will still be available for a while, and the certification will be "valid" for 2 years (I believe).
There was an interview with the guy in charge of certification at Sun recently, which gives more details --
Clustering just means having more than one server (i.e. horizontal scalability rather than vertical).
DNS Round Robin is a load *sharing* technique rather than load balancing. Requests are shared out to a list of servers, one at a time. Pretty dumb ... even if one server fails, requests will probably continue to be sent to it.
Reverse Proxy load balancing means sending requests to servers according to the type of the request. So for example, all static HTML requests go to server X, while all requests for this compute intensive service go to server Y because it's bigger.
Supposedly spring next year, but who can tell?
Note that re-certification will apparently be a multi-choice exam which concentrates on the areas that have changed.
[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: Tim Duncan ]