Would be great if someone could advice me on this issue.
I am looking for job opurtunities in canada. I have a two year canadian visitor visa with study/ work authorization. I got this visa as i was awarded a scholarship to study in toronto a few months back, but decided not to take up the offer.
Brief profile
Educ: MBA,
BA Mathematics (Hon)
Certification: SCJP (92%)
Comp Skills:
Java, Servlets, Javabeans, JDBC, RMI, Swing / Applets
ASP, SQL, Javascript, VBScript, HTML, DreamWeaver etc
Work exp:
Non IT :2 1/2 in HRD in a top Indian Organisation.
IT : 2 months as a Java / ASP developer
1) I would like to know what oppurtunities are there for me in Canada
2) Does holding a 2 yr visa (which can be authorized for work) in anyway give me an edge - the fact that my visa need not be sponsored by the employer
3) How should i go about finding a job - any good sites for java jobs specifically in canada
4) would a trip to canada be of any significant help
