eskay kumar

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Recent posts by eskay kumar

I would like to clarify a basic question that concerns the existence of the application server as the middle tier
I read that -
A two tier architecture consists of a client and server where the business logic resides and is processed on the client side.
The need to have more light weight clients made way for the multi tier architecture. The introduction of the middle tier shifted the burden of the business logic to the middle layer.
Can someone please explain what you mean by business logic and give an eg.
also where can we clarify basic fundamentals like this. I have made a career shift into IT and i get stumped by my lack of technical knowledge in some of these areas.
thanks a lot
I'm from Bombay and going to start with the SCJD prep soon. Count me in as well. my email id is [email protected]
Hi Bipin!
I got the visa because I was sponsored for higher education by a college in canada. They had come down to India for selection and awarded a few of us 100% scholarship. So it was the regular student sponsorship with work component. If you are keen on getting a visa you should visit the canadian immigration website or get in touch with one of their consulate offices in India.
You can write to me at [email protected]
PS: Can someone help me out here with my query !
24 years ago
Would be great if someone could advice me on this issue.
I am looking for job opurtunities in canada. I have a two year canadian visitor visa with study/ work authorization. I got this visa as i was awarded a scholarship to study in toronto a few months back, but decided not to take up the offer.

Brief profile
Educ: MBA,
BA Mathematics (Hon)
Certification: SCJP (92%)
Comp Skills:
Java, Servlets, Javabeans, JDBC, RMI, Swing / Applets
ASP, SQL, Javascript, VBScript, HTML, DreamWeaver etc
Work exp:
Not IT :2 1/2 in HRD in a top Indian Organisation.
IT : 2 months as a Java / ASP developer
1) I would like to know what oppurtunities are there for me in Canada
2) Does holding a 2 yr visa (which can be authorized for work) in anyway give me an edge - the fact that my visa need not be sponsored by the employer
3) How should i go about finding a job - any good sites for java jobs specifically in canada
4) would a trip to canada help
Thanks !
24 years ago
Would be great if someone could advice me on this issue.
I am looking for job opurtunities in canada. I have a two year canadian visitor visa with study/ work authorization. I got this visa as i was awarded a scholarship to study in toronto a few months back, but decided not to take up the offer.

Brief profile
Educ: MBA,
BA Mathematics (Hon)
Certification: SCJP (92%)
Comp Skills:
Java, Servlets, Javabeans, JDBC, RMI, Swing / Applets
ASP, SQL, Javascript, VBScript, HTML, DreamWeaver etc
Work exp:
Non IT :2 1/2 in HRD in a top Indian Organisation.
IT : 2 months as a Java / ASP developer
1) I would like to know what oppurtunities are there for me in Canada
2) Does holding a 2 yr visa (which can be authorized for work) in anyway give me an edge - the fact that my visa need not be sponsored by the employer
3) How should i go about finding a job - any good sites for java jobs specifically in canada
4) would a trip to canada be of any significant help
Thanks !
24 years ago
Thanks maha for ur prompt reply! I was unable to post this as a reply to the earlier post - was facing some problem of submitting the post. so i had to post a fresh one.
I did as u told me. But i still get the same error - package import javax.servlet not found when i try to compile a servlet.
I can't seem to figure out what is wrong so - I have listed down the exact settings when i enter a set command on my dos prompt. You might be able to tell me if I'm missing something
classpath=;c:\jdk1.2.2\lib\tools.jar; c:\Progra~1\jswdk\lib\servlet.jar
Though I have set the enviornment variables TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME they don't get listed in the above, do I have to set them again each time i restart my PC i.e.
c:> set TOMCAT_HOME=c:\Progra~1\tomcat
c:> set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.2.2
shilpa !
24 years ago
I really need help in what I am doing wrong here. I have read a lot of posts here for an answer and now have no other alternative but to post a fresh one with my problem. SO PLEASE HELP ME! I want to work on servlets and this is what I have done, but i am unable to compile my servlets - i get package import javax.servlet not found.
My OS= win 98
jdk1.2.2 (this has been working just fine)
recently installed JSWDK1.2.2
recently installed Tomcat Application Server
I have done the following settings so far:
c:\Program Files\tomcat> set TOMCAT_HOME=c:\Proram Files\tomcat
c:\jdk1.2.2> set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.2.2
In AutoExec my path is set as follows:
PATH C:\ORACLE\BIN;;C:\ORAWIN95\BIN;C:\JDK1.2.2\BIN;C:\jdk1.2.2\lib\tools.jar; C:\Program Files\jswdk\lib\servlet.jar
What is the difference between path and classpath, how does one go about setting them. What command do we use to check the existing classpath? I don't want to mess around with it - untill i know whatever is already set there.
I use Autoexec.bat in Sysedit to set my path. I guess for setting classpath one has to go to dos prompt and use
set classpath=c:\jdk1.2.2; ....... etc. Does one have to reset the earlier settings or can we just update on whatever is there.
Thanks for reading,
24 years ago
I just tried to download the server. Now they have 3 platforms to choose from (Have to choose one)
1) Win NT
2) Non Win32 Users (OS : Unix)
3)IBM AS400
I tried downloading using each platform starting first with Win NT - but I am unable to download it. I'm using the software to dowload this huge file - and it gives me the message negotiating transfer, but after that nothing gets downloaded.
Quite hassled... PLEASE HELP
24 years ago
I would like to know if we need Windows NT to download and run the Weblogic EJB Server or can i do so on Windows '98.
24 years ago
Kindly include my name as well.
Thanks !
Shilpa Kumar
Dear all,
I just cleared my SCJP a couple of days back with 92%. I come from a non programming background. My undergrad is in Maths (hon.) and then i did my MBA and was working for an HRD dept of a big Indian Company in Bombay for 2 1/2 years. I wasn't too happy or excited with what i was doing and decided to take evening classes to make this shift into java.
I am going to start looking for a job in java from this coming week. I've gone thru a quite a few posts here and have come to the conclusion - that having my own URL displaying applets i have created - will be a Plus in supporting my resume.
I would like to have some ideas on what all i can create, some links to similar sites of people who have done the same. I don't know Servlets, EJB yet - but looks like they are very important. Is preparing for the Developer level the next logical step - or should i first concentrate on gaining some work ex in java.
Does anyone in Bombay have any good placement agents in mind?
anything else i ought to know ... please feel free to add
thanks a lot
shilpa !

24 years ago
Dear Geetha and Cyberoptic,
Geetha all u need to know about MediaTracker and waitForId() is that a thread can stop executing when waitForId() is called on it - Its basically an eg of blocking for I/O operations.
Interrupted exception does not generally stop execution of a thread. There are quite a few posts on this site where u can get information on both, use the search facility with the keywords -MediaTracker or Interrupted Exception. There is one post in which maha anna has very clearly explained the Interrupt method, do read that !
Cyberoptic, I studied in the foll manner:
Started with complete reference, and read it very thoroughly, practised all the code in the book and experimented alongside. Then i started with RHE and gave it a thorough reading, along with experimenting with code about most of the main points in the book. Also i was referring to the posts here and practising code on many egs raised here. I had a big time constraint, so i was putting in as many as 12-14 hours a day in the last 1 1/2 month. I read RHE again twice, but by this time - i was more of reading than coding. fact is u basically learn java by coding , but if u have a time constraint u need to really really be thorough with the concepts, as u can forget them pretty soon, if u haven't coded enough. I would suggest u use a combination of both. But if don't have the time to code - DO read VERY THOROUGHLY. And yes do make ur notes on concepts u get wrong in mock tests. I maintained one journal for all wrong answers/ tough answers in the mocks, and one for concepts i would not remember correctly inspite of having read them. Ur notes need to be about points not mentioned in the books but u discovered them while coding - the nitty gritties - we take for granted.
should u need to know more u r welcome to write to me at
[email protected]
wish u 2 luck in ur prep !
Thanks Everyone for your kind wishes !!!
shilpa !
Dear All,
I cleared my SCJP today with 92%.
I'd like to thank this forum and everyone involved for being there to answer my queries and helping me with my prep. Thanks Ajith, Maha for clearing my concepts and taking the time to reply !
I don't have any programming background, and java is my first lang. I started learning Java about 3 months back and began preparing for the exam about 1 1/2 month back. Got my concepts cleared from Complete Reference Java2 (Naughton, Schildt) and basically studied from RHE. I also referred to Exam Cram - primarily for their qns, tests, though i didn't find the material to be an add on to what i had already learned from the other two books. I regret not having the time to go thru JLS, i realised how imp it was only towards the fag end of my prep ... and then i decided to stick to stuff i was familiar reading. Don't try and refer to a whole lot of notes from here and there -2 books - 1 base + a Certification guide are the best bet along with JLS.
About Mock Exams - they give u a good grounding but are hardly close to the real thing. SCJP is simple, straightforward and doesn't try to get u - just for the heck of it. A lot of mock exams basically do that - rather than testing u for basic sound fundamentals about the language. But its always good to take as many of them as they expose u to all ur weak areas and once u begin doing well on them - SCJP will be just fine. Don't get overwhelmed by the scores u get in ur mocks... just use it as a tool for ur prep.
Javaranch is a fantastic oppurtunity for all SCJP aspirants, its very user friendly and the spirit is great. I owe a great deal to this site to keep me motivated and working for the exam. I wish Javaranch the very best !
Qns I got :
I/O - 4 , one on Sockets
AWT - 5-6
Util - 2
Threads - 4 - one had Mediatracker's waitForId() as an option
Exceptions - 2
Fill in the blank - 4 - quite simple
Remaining were a mixed bag of Overloading/Overriding, Flow control, Operators, Modifiers etc.
Wish u all luck in your endeavour
happiness always
shilpa !
My Exam is tomorrow ... PLEASE HELP !