Chris Goh

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since Aug 23, 2001
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<% String buffer[]=new String[13];

can i do this?
It can't seems to work. The console kept give me an undeclared variable error.
22 years ago
I'm running Tomcat 3.2, on win2K and I have this error in the console:
"2002-01-23 17:57:39 - Ctx( ): IOException in: R( + /image/loginbanner.gif + null) Software caused connection abort: socket write error"
What does this error means and how can I fix it?
22 years ago
erm ...anyone can tell me how to set the content type to avoid the error?
23 years ago
where do i set the content type?
sorri but i'm a newbie in JSP
23 years ago
I'm using win2000 and running tomcat 3.2
when i insert a flash file into a jsp page, the tomcat server gave this message:
2001-12-05 11:37:58 - Ctx( /Work ): IOException in: R( /Work + /flash/Menu.swf +
null) Software caused connection abort: socket write error
the flash file runs fine... but why the error message?
23 years ago
Erm... does anyone have a solution?
23 years ago
erm... so what must I do to prevent this message from appearing?
23 years ago
2001-11-12 14:25:18 - Ctx( /work ): IOException in: R( /work + /photoshopimage/LoginTitle.jpg + null) Software caused connection abort: socket write error
when i insert an image in a JSP file I get a message like this?
Although it doesn't have any effect of the result, I would like to know if there is anyway to prevent this message from showing...
Thanks in advance
-JSP Newbie-
23 years ago
Hi all...
I'm quite new to JSP and i was wondering if any of you know any good websites that teaches JSP?
I'm currently doing a login page for my project and I dun really understand the part about sessions checking and stuff...
Is there any websites that teaches and gives examples about this topic.
-JSP Newbie-
23 years ago
Thanks Peter. Now It works.
23 years ago
erm... after inserting the: request.sendRedirect(String url)
i got a error msg:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPC:\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\work\localhost_8080\ Method sendRedirect(java.lang.String) not found in interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.
23 years ago
I have a problem.
I'm doing page that redirect users to a login page when:
session.isNew() is true....
so my code goes something like this:
<% if(session.isNew()){ %>
<jsp:forward page="login.jsp" />
can i use this method?
And why doesn't the url change to the login page?
if i want the url to change what should i do?
23 years ago
I can compile my servlets!!!
23 years ago
erm... where would the classpath be normally pointed?
is it somewhere in the tomcat folders?
23 years ago package javax.servlet does not exist
import javax.servlet.*; package javax.servlet.http does not exist
import javax.servlet.http.*;
can anyone tell me what is wrong with it?
23 years ago