kevin schmidt

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since Aug 24, 2001
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Recent posts by kevin schmidt


I'm writing a program for my work and I have run into a bit of a problem. I need to read a URL to retrieve some parameters that I am passing in it. I know that I can read them with javascript, but I want to read the url with Java. Is there anyway of reading this string with Java 1.3? The server that our portal sits on only supports Java 1.3.

Thanks and regards,

19 years ago

I want to use Java's JComboBox to create a editable combo/dropdown box. I was wondering if it is possible to use their example and place it in a javascript file or into an HTML page, or if anyone knows of any examples out there that do this. The closest example that I found was some code at under combo box, but it doesn't work for me. Any ideas?


I was wondering if there was a way of creating a drop down box that acted like the address bar of a browser. so, you can either enter information or select information from the drop down list. I have been searching this site and the net, and haven't been to lucky with this. Any direction for help would be greatly appreciated.
I was wondering if there was a way of creating a drop down box that acted like the address bar of a browser. so, you can either enter information or select information from the drop down list. I have been searching this site and the net, and haven't been to lucky with this. Any direction for help would be greatly appreciated.
20 years ago
Just wondering if anyone knew of any good JSP web page counters... Anything would be appreciated. TIA.
22 years ago
Thanks for the links, but it's not what I'm looking for. I AM able to retrieve the document summary if I parse the pdf as a text file, but the information is at the end of the file, ans some of the files are 200k+. Is there a fast way in Java to parse to the end of a file to get information or maybe start the search at the end of file - 3k (if that makes sense)? I hope someone can help me. TIA again.
22 years ago
I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve the "document summary" from a pdf file using java? TIA.
22 years ago
Thanks a lot guys... this is REALLY appreciated!!
22 years ago
I wasn't sure what to ask for, but, a bulletin board service for java (JSP/servlets) or ASP (I guess), actually, any platform, cgi, php, it really doesn't matter, Java is just a preference. I just want something to put on my website without having to pay for something, but if I have to pay, then I have to pay. I'm in a band so I want a set up a BBS to we can have different forums on us. Something like I Mother Earth's system. Thanks for the help.
22 years ago
I wasn't sure where to place this question, but here seemed ok. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good bullentin board systems on the internet that are free or close to being free? TIA.
22 years ago
I was wondering if someone could explain to me exactly what an .htx file is? I know that it is some kind of HTML template file... Does anyone know if this kind of file works in Netscape or if there is a viable replacement for this kind of file, like ASP or JSP or I don't know... TIA
I was wondering if it is possible to place an HTML button within an anchor tag... like this:
<a href="display.html"><input type=button name=display></a>
I have a string of ten digits, some of the strings have leading zeros on them, but I don't want to display them to page, how do I go about removing those leading zeros? TIA.
Dave, this isn't a school assignment, I'm past that already... I'm learning Java at work... just trying to figure somethings out for help with building certain applications. I program in SAP under the ABAP/4 environment, and they now have a java side in the portals end of SAP and they are starting to incorporate java into their web enablement of their transactions
[ February 05, 2002: Message edited by: kevin schmidt ]
23 years ago
I have a string with "x" number of letters in it, I want to record the occurrance of every letter, how do I do this? TIA.
23 years ago