I came across 2 tutorial pages where it says that for a left or right shift (<< and >>) the sign bit will never change.
I tested this with the Bit By Bit applet at
http://www.javaranch.com/campfire/StoryBits.jsp I tried 2 << 30 (integer 2 left shifted by 30 bits) and the result is : -2147483648. (a negative)
Both pages came from the jchq.net site.
http://www.jchq.net/tutorial/05_01Tut.htm "The left and right shift operators move the bit pattern to the left or right and leave the sign bit alone."
http://www.jchq.net/tutorial/BitShift.htm "Thus a left or right shift (<< and >>) will never cause a number to change its sign. A positive number will always stay positive and a negative number will always stay negative."
Am I missing anything or these two quotes are misleading?