Ramalingam Vijayakumar

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since Aug 26, 2001
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Recent posts by Ramalingam Vijayakumar

Hello neetha,
I have not tried what you have said.
But I have a idea.File transferring can only be done using
an FTP protocol.
If your friend has an FTP server.
You can write an FTP client in java/C and then make a connetion to your friends machine and then download the file you want.
I have tried using java programming connecting to reddif.com and retrieved the file contents.
If you want I will give you a sample FTP code in 'C'/JAVA'
Nothing more at present.
I have got a doubt..
Will the Operating Sysytem knows that there are threads inside a process???
If so ...from where it gets the information ??
thanx in advance..
Hello peter,
Thanx a lot for your reply...
I have got one more doubt..
will my OS know that there are threads inside a process ??
thanx in advance..
Hello manjunath,
I have a problem in my m/c...
when I workked with an simple RMI prog...without using UnicastRemoteObject it get's registerd with the registry [perfectly..but when I make a remote call ...it is not executing in servers m/c but instead it make a copy of the remote object and the the invocation happens only in that copy...
I do not understnad whether it is my m'c problem or not..
When I tried in some other m/c it didnt work..It throwed a exception and the time of runing the server..
anyway thanx for your reply..
23 years ago
Hello peter.
Thanx a lot for your reply...
In your answer do you mean that my server should be dedicated only to that process which is having 100 threads...
I also have onbe doubt ...if I have 100 threads in a process how is the CPU scheduling being done..
Thanx alot...
HI tim and chakri...
Thanx for your kindly reply...
23 years ago
Hi all,
What exactly is the usage of
thanx in advance,
23 years ago
Hi all,
Assume that I have a Server ....
also assume that 100 clients are connecting to the server
Is it efficent when i spawn a different procees to manage every client....
is it efficent to create a seperate thread to manage 100 clients.

which one do you feel is correct,manageable and efficent one.
thanx in advance ,
Hi all,
I have a big problem..
can anybody explain me how is the memory allocated for a floating point literal......
thanx in advance,
23 years ago
Hello deepak,

I have a solution for you problem...
Since it is a multithread server....
Keep seperate vector for each client who joins in a particuler room....

1.The steps are as follws..
GIve an option in the client to which room he/she is willing to join at the time of signing....

2. when he makes a connection.....get the room name and store his reference(ie socket refernce in a vector)...
3. when ever you want to send any msg to that room....

4. take the client details out of the vector...(Socket Details) and the send the msg through the socket output stream...
5. This is how I have done a multithread chat server using ConnectionOriented Service(TCP)
6.mail me if you still have any doubts.....


Try to use MulticastSocket which helps to have private chat rooms...
Refer book Java2 DevelopersGuide....for further details...
The tried out your code in my m/c ..Its works perfectly...
The concept of your program is 2 threads sharing the SAME DATA AND CODE....The problem can be eliminated when you make your run method synchronized..
public synchronized void run() { }
hope you know the concept behind this(using synchronization..)
Windows98 folllows preemptive scheduling...
Hello padmashree,
There is a small correction in your client side coding...
Just change this line...
It will now work.

23 years ago
If you want to Write a text in vertical direction you got to use the FontMetrics class.
The following are the things that you should do ...
First get the fontmetrics and then get the font height....
whenever you draw usind drawString(str,x,y)...increment the 'y' position according to the font height...
23 years ago
Hi Micheal,
Thanks a lot for your reply..I never knew that something like this can be done...
What I have done in my program is
class XYZ implements RemoteSeriveInterface,Serializable {
public void serviceName() throws RemoteException { }

and when I register the object of the above code it registers perfectly..and it also serves as a remote object...What I am not getting till now is what is the significance of using UnicastRemoteObject ...
23 years ago