finally i showed up for my scea part 1 exam (my voucher is expiring tomorrow). the result is ok (41/48).
concepts 100
common arch 100
legacy 80
ejb 88
ejb container 50
protocols 66
applicability 100
design patterns 80
messaging 100
i18n 50
security 100
ejb and design patterns are the 2 most important parts (about 15-20 questions in total), you have to get most of them in order to pass. ejb questions are easier than i thought. for design patterns, make sure you know the most famous/widely used ones (around 10?).
uml questions(3 or 4) are a joke, 1 hour's review is enough, but of course uml is the core of part 2.
i missed 1 q in i18n while 100% in security, which is a surprise to me (i thought it should be the other way).
concepts are easy, too. but another suprise to me is i got 100% in commom arch. since i saw other guys always got 66% in this part, i thought there might be a tricky question. still have no idea

i feel i overprepared for part 1. some questions are very straight forward (at least 5 for me). my suggestion is to focus on ejb and design patterns, and then read some general intro-like materials for other parts, you're ready to go.
anyway, my hours of readings on the daily commute train paid off and i owe a lot of thanks to javaranch guys for their great notes and posts, you guys are great!!!