investor riles

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since Aug 28, 2001
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Recent posts by investor riles

Thanks Marcos, that's a great link. One question I have seen though is the nature of platform independence with JNDI. Is it truly platform dependant like Java is meant to be, or are there some environments in which it can't reside?
Faisal, it's the cert for Enterprise Connectivity with Java in the Enterprise Developer track for JCert. Any suggestions for online references or simple examples?
I am writing the OOAD with UML 486 test in a week. Anyone have any pointers I might be able to use?
I bought a book by Marty Hall, Core Servlets and JSPs, It walks through the origin on the technologies, compares them with other technologies such as CGI/ASPs, and walks through real life examples of code in both servlets and jsps. It's a Sun book, so it's authoritative too. It doesn't help much with JDBC or RMI. The other book mentionned by namita, the JavaServer Programming J2EE Edition is the best by far. It's what I am using to study for my cert.
Good luck,
Thanks Gregory, and now that you mention it, JNDI is the term I was referring to . I write this J2EE cert in about 8 weeks, and although I have experience with servlets/rmi and jsps, beans and this JNDI will be new ground to cover.
I hear that the J2EE cetification includes something called the JDI? Having about a years experience, I haven't come across this term yet ..
Firstly, would anyone know what this term means, and secodnly, is there a big emphasis on it in the exam?
Kosiac is pretty much on the mark here. Areas I would have focussed more on is the "Applying UML and Patterns" book by Craig Larman. I didn't get it on the first write either, but write this Friday and am planning to celebrate that night.
Kosaic- no offense but where is the accent from?