Sue Fish

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since Aug 29, 2001
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I have a Swing applet (JRE1.3) on Sun & Netscape 4.6 that needs to POST a url to a c++ cgi.
The exact same code works for an applet without the plugin but my code does not! I cannot set the METHOD to POST, the recieving cgi extracts the method as GET no matter what I do! (I need POST)
Does the plugin have it's own set of environment vars?
The code is simple:
URL url = new URL("http:...");
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
url.setDoOutput(true); //POST
OutputStream out = connection.getOutputStream();
I've been writing java applet/servlet code, mostly focused on the client side. (The servlet code was already written). But now I need to add an RPC interface to my servlet. I have the C++ & Java RPC code in a jar file (used in another app) but don't know how to tell the servlet to look in the jar, let alone change the classpath.
We are running Netscape Enterprise Server (with poor documentation!)
Ah! I found the same bug yesterday! Thanks for confirming my thoughts - it's always nice to have a second set of hands to bounce ideas and point places, (also to confirm that I'm not crazy!)
Now I need a workaround while I convince them to upgrade the JVM!!
Thanks again,
22 years ago
Thanks for your response. I had tried all the File methods and on the Sun, tmpFile.exists=false, tmpFile.length()=0.
On the SGI they were correct.
On the Sun & SGI the .getAbsolutePath were correct.
When I create a new FileInputStream(fn) I throw an exception, FileNotFound: not enough memory for data type' ONLY on the Sun.
The same code runs fine on a SGI, opening in/out streams, reading, writing (to a new file) & closing both 2GB files.
We are looking at the Sun O/S and also installing a newer version of Java. I'm still trying to establish if this is a known bug or not, or if there is a workaround.
Thanks again...
22 years ago
I am on a Sun, using JDK1.2.2.
I am trying to list the files & sizes in a directory. When using tmpFile = File(fn) the length (long)
len = tmpFile.length()
comes back 0 on the 2GB+ file. (It works correctly on a SGI!?)
Also, the tmpFile.isFile comes back false on Sun, true on SGI ?!
Also, at Sun command line: file fn returns " c program text "
(this is a binary file)
Any suggestions or idea's are greatly appreciated. I found some info on Sun website on a File io bug that was supposed to be fixed for 1.2(?)
22 years ago
I didn't realize I had an error until I ran this on an SGI. I have a Threaded Swing Applet that launches a jpanel containing some JTextFields. When entering random text in the textfield the browser (JVM?) hangs. I narrowed it down to my run loop in my applet and changed my code and it seems to have fixed the problem - I'm just not sure why!
while (!appletDone) {
... some other checks jpanel.repaint()
while (!appletDone) {
theDisplay.revalidate(); // main JPanel
I am pretty sure this has to do with AWT vs. Swing (and swing not being thread safe) But can't seem to find any good documentation. What is the proper way to manage Swing GUI/repainting & revalidating?
Thanx for any info,
23 years ago
I just found this website, so I haven't been lurking very long - forgive me for barging in!
Anyway, I have written a Java Swing applet for our intranet, using JDK 1.2.2. It runs in Netscape and IE, on Suns, PCs and SGIs. Yes, you have to sign your applet in order to access any local files (we transfer files back & forth, client/server) Since I am using the plugin I've used Sun's jarsigner tool and downloaded the .keystore & .java_policy files to each clients .netscape dir & home.
Each platform has it's own set of quirks but it can be done!
If you are able to run Swing without the plugin - please let me know how! Then you should sign your jar file using Netscapes signtool.
Oh yeah, I am using a self-signed certificate (I created it)stored in my .keystore file. Rumor has it those will not be accepted in future releases???
Good Luck,
23 years ago