Praveen Kumar

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since Jul 27, 2000
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Recent posts by Praveen Kumar

Thanx to all,
Please do not draw the conclusion from my mail that Jsecure and JQplus are a must for getting certified. They are just aids for it. There is no reason that u wont get a good score by not trying them. Attempt more mock tests and that will certainly enhance ur chances.
Good Luck to all.
Hi all,
I passed the exam with 92%.Thanx to JavaRanch, Ajith,MahaAnna,RHE,Devendra Singh,Antra Arora and all the Javaranchers. my special thanx to my friend Shailendra Bade without his help it was very difficult to clear the exam.he provided me all the resources and even fee of my Certification exam.My 30% marks is becoz of Shailendra and Ajith.yes,I mean it.
It was my second attempt. i got 69% in my first attempt. I remembered how Ajith and Maha annna and others supported me and build my confidence to take this exam u remember Ajith?
JavaRanch is wonderful site. it is great and unique. no other java related site can be compare to this. Java is my first Language. i have no prior OOP's Knowledge. i am a PB/Oracle prog.

In my first attempt, i read RHE only. i think RHE alone is not sufficient for SCJP. some topics are not cleared in RHE. for those who are preparing for exam i would suggest read more books to clear all the topics and make ur own notes. take atleast 10/12 mock tests. mock tests prepare u for different questions and varitions.i took around 10 plus moct tests and got 80% to 95% in all the tests.i took help of JSecure and JQPlus. both are very good and have different approach. Jsecure give u the same envoirnment as of real exam,while JQPlus prepares u for the toughest test.

I will always be a visitor of Javaranch. now i will focus myself on serverside JSP/EJB etc. please guide me if anyone is doing these things. But my first preference is a good job in Java. Somebody do help me in getting a job in Java, i am in Bombay,India.
My best wishes for those who are preparing and appearing for the exam.
Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
I have heard a lot about XML. I dont know much about it. Now that I am aware about this forum i would be visiting it often. Can anybody tell me who is the propriter of this tech. Sun, Microsoft, IBM or noone?
Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
Thats a whooping score. A perfection for which everyone carves for. I would also be appearing for the SCJP in 2 days. Can u give me ur email id. ur tips would be very helpful.
Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
I am posting this question based on many similar questions asked in different mock tests.
Which of the following is True about GridBagLayout:
1. If a component has been given Fill BOTH is it true that component
resizes when container resizes.
2. The number of rows and columns are fixed while loading components.
3. The no. of rows and columns are fixed while loading layout itself.
4. If component has a non zero weighty then component grows in height
as the container is resized
Dear Ajith,
I appreciate ur feelings about the messages such as the above one which have started pouring in with "sensational titles" and they are just heresay. In recent past there has been a tremendous increase in this and they just start a chain reaction about a thing about which they have just heard from somewhere. It creates panick among those who are preparing to appear soon and distracts them of no reason.
Due to such the billboard remains occupied for unnecessary things. This is not the place for all this. I have posted a thread about Gridbaglayout previously but it got lost in people attending to such mails. Now I am again posting it may be this time i am lucky and would get an answer soon.

Q. what is the valid range for weightx and weighty in gridbaglayout.

This question is posted quite often in Javaranch but each thread did not result in any conclusive answer. Some said the range should be from 0.0 to 1.0, some 0.0 to MAX.DOUBLE. Today I referred Core Java Vol.I and also Deitel & Deitel. They have freely used values like 100, 1000 for weightx and weighty.
I would like input from Ajith. In one of my previous posting to the moderators I had mentioned u all to post at least one answer to the ongoing thread so that it becomes conclusive sort of thing. To which only Ajith replied. I was than also referring to such open ended thread which does not lead to any final answer. So I would once again request u all to post at least one reply to each thread so that the JVM for this should be exited. Why I insist for this that most visitors to javaranch are going thru learning phase of Java and there inputs cannot be just taken as conclusive. U people have attained certain competency level in Java so ur words can be taken as the final.
Congrats on passing with flying colors. Can u please provide me handy tips and notes as I am appearing for the exam next week.

Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
Can anybody send me the URL or the zip file of Jyoti's notes.
Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]

Stephanie, Thanx for replying.

Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
Hi all,
this question is from Amit poddar's moch test. The answer is" b".
but my question is why not Ans: a, becoz according to RHE(PAge no.
"The File must describe a directory not a file." so this would be a
compile time error as File has argument "12345.msg" that is a file not
a dir.
please explain me.
Q40) What will be the output if
Consider a directory structure like this (NT or 95)
C:\JAVA\12345.msg --FILE
\dir1\IO.class -- IO.class is under dir1
public class IO {
public static void main(String args[]) {
File f = new File("12345.msg");
String arr[] = f.list();
a) Compiler error as 12345.msg is a file not a directory
b) java.lang.NullPointerException at run time
c) No error , but nothing will be printed on screen

Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
I have 80 questions from Abhilash's mock test.
but don't have their answers. i need answers.
please help me.

Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
I am unable to run IBM exam from my m/c for last one month. Whenever I login it gives erro (Fatal Error - a session could not be found or created) Can u provide the exact
URL plus browser name/version/extra settting u all are using.

Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
I am unable to run IBM exam from my m/c. Whenever I login it gives erro (Fatal Error - a session could not be found or created) Can u provide the exact
URL plus browser name/version u all are using
Praveen Kumar
Mumbai ,India
email: [email protected]
I am unable to run IBM exam from my m/c. Whenever I login it gives some class not found exception. Can u provide the exact
URL plus browser name/version u all are using