Keith Gottschalk

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since Jul 28, 2000
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Recent posts by Keith Gottschalk

I've just found the typo. My init() method was keyed Init().
24 years ago
I give up trying to send the HTML file. Sorry.
24 years ago
Maybe you are unable to use the enter key between lines. Here at last is the HTML file. <HTML> <APPLET CODE = "LifeCycle.class" WIDTH = 450 HEIGHT = 200> </APPLET> </HTML>
24 years ago
I wonder if this forum does not like you to copy and paste.
<APPLET CODE = "LifeCycle.class" WIDTH = 450 HEIGHT = 200>
24 years ago
<APPLET CODE = "LifeCycle.class" WIDTH = 450 HEIGHT = 200>
24 years ago
<APPLET CODE = "LifeCycle.class" WIDTH = 450 HEIGHT = 200>
24 years ago
It appears my HTML file was not included. I'll post it here.
<APPLET CODE = "LifeCycle.class" WIDTH = 450 HEIGHT = 200>
24 years ago
This program simply checks to see when each method is executed. However, when I run it in an AppletViewer my applet displays absolutely nothing. Could anyone provide any suggetions? I've provided both files below. Thank you for your help.
<APPLET CODE = "LifeCycle.class" WIDTH = 450 HEIGHT = 200>
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class LifeCycle extends Applet implements ActionListener
/*Declares the names of six methods that execute during
the full lifetime of the applet. Declares a button "pressButton."
Declares six integers that hold the number of occurences of each
of the six methods.*/
Font buttonFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.ITALIC,12);
Label messageInit = new Label("init ");
Label messageStart = new Label("start ");
Label messageDisplay = new Label("display ");
Label messageAction = new Label("action ");
Label messageStop = new Label("stop ");
Label messageDestroy = new Label("destroy");
Button pressButton = new Button("Press");
int countInit, countStart, countDisplay,
countAction, countStop, countDestroy;

/*The Init() method adds one to countInit, places
all components within the applet and calls
the display() method.*/

public void Init()
//The Start() method adds one to countStart and calls the display method.

public void start()

/*The diplay method adds one to countDisplay and displays the name of
each of the six methods with the current count and indicates how
many times the method has executed.*/

public void display()
messageInit.setText("Init " + countInit);
messageStart.setText("Start " + countStart);
messageDisplay.setText("display " + countDisplay);
messageAction.setText("action " + countAction);
messageStop.setText("stop " + countStop);
messageDestroy.setText("destroy " + countDestroy);

/*The stop() and destroy() methods each add one to the appropriate
counter and call the display() method.*/

public void stop()
public void destroy()

/*When the user clicks the button "pressButton", the following
actionPerformed() method executes. It adds one to countAction
and displays it.*/

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
24 years ago