Swastik Dey

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since Jan 08, 2009
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Kolkata, West Bengal, India
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Recent posts by Swastik Dey

Does the above line compile?  I guess http.get takes uri as argument, but you are passing a String.
3 years ago
How about using layout_weight?
3 years ago
Probably I got your question wrong.  You want total of individual row?
I am not too good in jquery but the following can be a js solution, may be better ways as well

How the other classes look like?
4 years ago
So can you post your code and show us what you have done so far?
4 years ago
Fair enough.  But where are you displaying the output?  Is this AWT/Swing based program, is this a web application?  You can't display any formatted text in console.
4 years ago
No you can't.  Its a String and String class doesn't have any such property.  What is your exact requirement?
4 years ago

What does this return?
5 years ago
5 years ago

Try to access this page without logging in or from a different browser after logging in.  

In the above line we are retrieving the userinfo from session.  If the value is not null we show the page.  It will be not null only when the user comes to this page after logging in because there only you are setting the user info in session, if the url is opened from any different browser instance it will be null.
5 years ago
The above line is setting the value in session.  Where ever you want to validate, you have to retrieve it from session.

5 years ago
5 years ago
When the user logs in put the user info in session attribute.  When any request comes validate against that.
5 years ago
Does session tracking help in this?
5 years ago