Fernando Franzini

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since Jan 09, 2009
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Recent posts by Fernando Franzini

Any news on eclipse foundation providing the new jakarta EE certifications?
Hi Folks

I have to consume a old web services using SOAP RPC, which have to submit the following credentials in the header soap:

All I could find, the only thing I could do was this:

This code produced the following header:

Could someone help me how exactly generate the header I need?
Best Regards.
9 years ago

What do you mean by "asynchronous logging"?

7. Asynchronous Logging
Tomcat 7 now includes an asynchronous file logger (AsyncFileHandler). AsyncFileHandler extends FileHandler and can be used in place of FileHandler. To use AsyncFileHandler, simply replace all occurrences of FileHandler with AsyncFileHandler in the CATALINA_HOME/conf/logging.properties file. The application must use java.util.Logging; asynchronous logging does not work with Log4j.

When a log message is sent to the AsyncFileHandler, the log message is added to a queue(java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque) and the method invocation to log a message returns immediately without waiting for the I/O to disc. A separate thread is started when the AsyncFileHandler is loaded by the class loader. This thread reads log messages from the queue and writes them to the disc.

The advantage of this approach is that if the I/O to disc is slow (e.g. log files on a remote drive), logging will not slow request processing.

AsyncFileHandler employs a producer/consumer relationship with the queue to store log messages. The default queue size is 10000. In case of overflow, the default behavior is to drop the last message. Both the default size and overflow behavior can be configured using startup system properties.

Source - http://www.developer.com/java/web/article.php/10935_3904871_2/Top-7-Features-in-Tomcat-7-The-New-and-the-Improved.htm
9 years ago
Hi Folks
I have found many tutorials to use asynchronous logging in tomcat7 but I'm not finding to tomcat8.
How do I use asynchronous logging in tomcat8? It seems to me that is setting by default?
Best Regards.
9 years ago
Congrats dude and wellcome to the team!
10 years ago
I also had these problems, but I decided to make simulator before the oficial certification and that's what got me through.
See - http://www.whizlabs.com/scea/mock-exam.html. Use discount coupon - “whizoffer10″.
Best Regards.

srinivasa varadhan wrote:Thanks Fernando.

can you share me the list of approved courses or link where I can refer about the courses?

Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 6 Enterprise Architect
Candidates must complete one of the instructor-led in-class, online , or recorded courses below (includes Live Web Classes – LWC,Live Virtual classes – LVC and Training On-Demand course) to obtain this certification. Self-Study CDs are excellent study and reference tools but DO NOT meet the course requirement for certification.

Java EE 6: Develop Database Applications with JPA
Java EE 6: Develop Business Components with JMS & EJBs
Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE
Building Database Driven Applications with JPA
Business Component Development with EJB Technology, Java EE 6
Creating Web Services Using Java(TM) Technology
Developing Applications for the Java EE 6 Platform
Developing Web Applications using JSF Technologies
Developing Web Services Using Java Technology
Java Design Patterns
Java Programming Language, Java SE 6
Java SE 7 Fundamentals
Java SE 7 Programming
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML
Web Component Development with Servlets & JSPs, Java EE 6
Developing Secure Java Web Services, Java EE 6
Java EE 6: Develop Web Applications with JSF NEW
Java EE 6: Develop Web Components with Servlets & JSPs
Java EE 6: Develop Web Services with JAX-WS & JAX-RS
Java EE 7: New Features

Yeap! You are compulsory to attend at least 1 course of oracle that can be done before, during or after being approved in the other phases...
Congrats and welcome to the team!
In my opinion is a bad option ... REST has no failure and recovery mechanism. In this case the best would be JMS. Think about it ....