raaga sree

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since Jan 14, 2009
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Recent posts by raaga sree

i have sun material..... whether its necessary to follow this, along with k& b and mughal book.
is it necessary to complete associate exam before undertaking scjp??? and suggest me some books to follow
14 years ago
whether its necessary to know all the topics of head first java to take up exams...... and some say work experience is essential to pass scjp.... is that true???
14 years ago
i know oops concepts but new to java..... i started studying head first java..... after 80 pages, i feel little bit difficult ,the pages regarding API and all...... i want to do scjp..... whether its necessary to read all the pages of head first before moving to scjp by kathy sierra......
please give me suggestions on how 2 start with...........
14 years ago
if i select a particular file extension,the files of that format has to be listed .is thare any algorithm for that..
15 years ago