Balakrishnan Nagarajan

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since Jan 16, 2009
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Recent posts by Balakrishnan Nagarajan

Dear Ester Peters,

Thanks for your reply.

Could you please tell me, whats that offshore Oil RIg? how to approach them?

Bala N.
11 years ago
Dear All,

I am having one issue with the tomcat server when casting the tomcat.dbcp connection to Oracle connection.

The code looks like:

Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
OracleConnection underlyingConnection = null;
Connection dconn = (OracleConnection) ((DelegatingConnection) conn).getInnermostDelegate();

Here it will throws the Classcast exception (org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp **** to Oracle Connection)

The DelegatingConnection is from Tomcat DBCP jar.
I am using Tomcat 6.0.29 and 6.0.37.

When i googled, i got to know adding the parameter accessToUnderlyingConnection=True in Datasource fixes the problem. And it works as well.

But the site says,

Default is false, it is a potential dangerous operation and misbehaving programs can do harmfull things. (closing the underlying or continue using it when the guarded connection is already closed) Be carefull and only use when you need direct access to driver specific extentions.

NOTE: Do not close the underlying connection, only the original one.

Hence the fix which i proposed got rejected.

Tried with the different Tomcat version - 6.0.20, this Casting is working fine without adding any parameters in the XML files.

Could anyone help to clarify this?

Why it is working in 6.0.20 and not in 6.0.29 version?
And how to fix this issue in 6.0.29 version as well?

Bala N.

Bala N.
11 years ago
Dear all..
My younger brother has done with his MCA on 2012 and currently looking for a job in a IT industry. I couldn't find any job for him in these days and still looking for the same.

Could anyone guide us to get a job or to study any course to get the job.

11 years ago
Dear All,

Thanks for the suggestion.

I also got another offer from [company] for 9 LPA. So, currently i'm holding 2 offers in my hand.

[company A] - Chennai - 8LPA - Associate
[company B] - Bangalore - 9LPA - Technology Lead

Among these two companies, i found so many good points for both as well. Regarding Onsite : [company A] doing well than [company B].

Got little confused to choose one among them.

Please let me know, how to proceed?

Bala N.
12 years ago
Dear Expertise,

I have 5 years of experience in java/j2ee technology and willing to switch over to a new company now. I'm residing in chennai at present. Got an offer from [company A] for 8 LPA and Associate designation.

Is this designation/salary package relevant to my experience?

Bala N.
12 years ago

I had googling on this issue and found the following,

1. Increasing the Connection Pool size (by default its 10. But 10-30 will give better performance)
2. Increasing the connection timed out setting (by default its 180. We can have upto 300 to have better performance)

If you found more solution, please do intimate me.

Bala N.
12 years ago
Dear All,

Yesterday we have faced connection issue in WAS server. When we check the "log" file, found the following,

ERROR JdbcDataAccess - SQLException while creating connection Connection not available, Timed out waiting for 946976

I have tried with googling regarding this error message and got to know,
1. Might be because of the Connection pooling
2. NOT closing the jdbc connections properly.

But, the application is working for a long time (probably 3 years). We also do the periodic restart to avoid some issues at business hours.

After 5-10 minutes, the application started working normally with No action from our side.

May i know, the exact reason and how to resolve these kinda issues in future.

Thanks in advance,

Bala N.

12 years ago
Thanks All for your suggestions.
13 years ago

I have total exp of 4+ in IT/ITES industry and 3.5 years of exp in IT specialized in JAVA technology (with EJB, JSP, AJAX, Javascript, Drools, MySQL, Oracle etc.,).

Now i would like to make a jump. How much i can expect now ?

can anyone advice me ?

Bala N.
13 years ago
Moreover, we have implemented this Log for some of the business logic classes to enable the logging functinality.
13 years ago
Hi Paul,

Actually i got some bugs which related to the application performance.

We are using IBM WAS 7.0 as application server, EJB 3.0 for Business logic and SWT as the front end.
While performing some actions in the application, we have monitored that java.exe of the application server goes high and its not getting reduced while that action has been done. And one certain time, this results Heapdump file generation on the server profile.
We have analyzed the heap dump files and it says the "OutOfMemory" Exception and much memory took for this STATIC Logger instantiation.

Some of the developers gave suggestion that to remove the STATIC declaration for the logger.
for eg. public Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(myClass.class);

13 years ago

Hi Guyz,

Can anyone please let me know, is it advisable to declare the logger variable as static?
In all my previous concerns, I have done the same thing. Here while I analyzing the memory files, this variable took more memory and some of the developers advised me not to use Static keyword here.

private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(myClass.class);

13 years ago
Tks for your reply and the recommeded steps.

FYI, Most of our servers where IBM WAS installed doesn't contains other DB/MQ servers. Only WAS has been installed there.
And we also recommended the Clients to install only 1 or 2 profiles in the WAS.
Though the CPU Utilization goes very high while performing some activities in the application. We also checked the application for any memory leaks etc. But we dint find anything different there.

As per your suggestion, we are going to use JPROBE for our Client and also WAS Server.

Thanks in advance,
BeeKay N.
13 years ago

We were started the Performance Testing of the application and also turned on the GC logs too.
And we noticed that, whenever an action is triggered from the application, JAVA.exe in Task Manager goes high and not getting reduced eventhough after coming out of that page.

So, one certain time the application can't allocate memory for the new objects and still the older objects didn't vanish out from the memory. This leads to the OutOfMemory Exception in the log file.

Please help me out to proceed further.

We are using the following technologies in our application.
For Front End : SWT
For Business Logics : EJB 3.0
13 years ago
While surfing on net also i dint find any samples (or) suggestions.

Is it really possible ?
Is SWT flexible for that requirement ?
13 years ago