Vasily Kukhta

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since Jan 17, 2009
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Recent posts by Vasily Kukhta

Hello, Ranchers!

I'm new to WS-Security, now i'm trying to build simple (username and password validation) secure web service using Apache CXF.

I have found several tutorials about it, but, unfortunately, they are not very detailed.

Can you please post some links on detailed, step-by-step guides about implementing security in CXF?

Thank you in advance!
14 years ago
I finally found the solution of the problem - just copied all required DLLs to the shared and external libraries folder of the application server, and everything is working now. Very simple.
14 years ago
Hello, ranchers!

Can you please tell me, if it is possible to use JNA in a web application? I can successfully use JNA to access various DLLs in a console application, but still did not manage to work with it in some servlet container, it always gives me java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library error. What must be done to get it working?

My application is built using maven. I am trying to run it on Windows platform, and the native library is loaded using the following code fragment:

The native library (g95java.dll) is in "other sources" folder of maven project.

Unfortunately, this aspect of JNA (web development) is almost not documented.

And, by the way, is there any other way to call DLLs in web application, except JNA?

Thank you in advance!
14 years ago
Thank you, Henry!

I am studying java multithreading now, and i have a simple question, please help.

How can i make a thread attempting to lock several objects at once, waiting for them if they are all locked already by another threads, and lock the first which is released?

I have found tutorials only about how to make a thread waiting for a single monitor, not several objects at once. It is perhaps a basic question, but i'm stuck.

Thanks in advance!
Thank you all very much for your answers!

Really, Groovy is not much known yet, and it is rather hard to track bugs in Groovy application.

So i left core of the project written in pure java, and i used Grails in several isolated modules
which are communicating with each other using web services.

Best regards!
14 years ago
Thank everybody for your answers!
15 years ago

I'm beginning a web project which must be administrated using some open source Java content management system.

This project will use IBM WebSphere platform and DB2 database.

So i need advice: which Java CMS to use? Maybe you know some open source, easy to use and well documented software.

I'm studying OpenCMS now, but it seems rather complicated. Do you know some alternative?

Thanks in advance!
15 years ago

I am beginning development of large J2EE application which will use Spring, Hibernate and Web Services and will be deployed on WebSphere platform.
Some time ago, i have discovered the Groovy language and i would like to use it in my project,
but i am not certain about what impact it can have on the development process and application performance, and where i can use it instead of java.

So i have a question: has anybody used Groovy in real-life projects, and does it have advantage over java language?
Or, if i just mix java and groovy in my application, in what tasks groovy can be useful?

Thanks in advance!
15 years ago
Hello! Does your application contain dom4j jar file? If not, you should add it.
Usually, NoClassDefFoundError occures if some required jar is not present in the application.
John, thank you.

Best regards
15 years ago

I have a J2EE application on Glassfish application server and a C++ client which uses services provided by this application.

As i have heard, J2EE appication on server can be accessed by C++ client using web services.

Is there another way to achieve interoperability between J2EE and C++?
Maybe some more lightweight remoting protocol?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards
15 years ago
Glad to hear this information helped you.

Happy coding!

Best regards
15 years ago

If you are using NetBeans IDE, you should first try this official tutorial.
Also look at this resource, this site contains a set of detailed web service tutorials.

If you are using Eclipse platform, perhaps you may find this link useful.

Best regards

15 years ago

Try C3P0 to perform connection pooling. It is a library that includes DataSources that implement connection pooling.

You can download it from here.

To start using this library, just add c3p0- to your classpath and specify connection pooling service in your hibernate.cfg.xml file:

<property name="hibernate.connection.provider_class">org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider</property>

Then specify minimum pool size with this line: <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size">10</property>

You may then tune C3P0 to needs of your application.
Please look here for information about additional configuration properties.

Best regards