Ahmed Battah

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since Jan 18, 2009
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Recent posts by Ahmed Battah

Hey Guys,

I have a bad case that I need a help in it as follow:

I'm using RAD 7.5 with WAS 6.1 to develop portlets, in one of my portlets I have a case in which I need to skip validation after I change the value selected in a dropdown menu. I'm using 'onchange="submit()"' and a valueChangeListener attributes of the dropDownMenu to populate some fields in the same page, but when the form submitted the fields were validated and many validation errors appeared, how can I skip validation in this case and avoid the appearance of the error messages.

can anyone give me a hand?

Thank you for help in advance.
15 years ago
i have a tag like this:
<h:inputTextArea cols="60" rows="10" styleClass="text_area">

when the user enter a text like this:

The output appear: abc

it must be as input.
can anybody help me ???
15 years ago
exactly as "Bauke" said,
i mean browser back button
16 years ago
exactly as "Bauke" said,
i mean browser back button
16 years ago
I have a portlet that has 2 pages. You fill out a form, confirm that
data, etc. When I get to my second page using <h:commandLink>, and I
try to go back to the first page by clicking "back", it always takes
me to my second page
16 years ago