Marky Vasconcellos

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since Jan 28, 2009
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Recent posts by Marky Vasconcellos

Anyway.. i know i need to post more code.. but i just changed the example he gives.. and i normally post in that way in other forums.. sorry if the people here want more.. I'll back and be more efficient when i have time.

15 years ago
Sorry i do not have so many time last days..
15 years ago
Try revalidate the frame.. i think it should call all revalidate methods in the Components of this frame.
15 years ago
I think iy should work:

Remember always post code in the tags [ code ] and [/ code ]
15 years ago
Final objects can't have it value changed.

If you have a lot of static imports and final Strings like that maybe it should be time for some refactoring..

You never thinked about have an Singleton who stores variables like that to use in all the program?
It's a solution.. and some others.
15 years ago
So.. you really dont need convert to an 3D array for apply a filter in Image.

There's a brazilian project for applying filters in images.
Take a look:

if you cant understand portuguese you can download the source and study then:
15 years ago
I didn't study Java3D so much.. and all i learn is from the book "Java Killer game programming Java 3D" (A great book).

And i think for all that you can use the Java3D.

Theres a project to run Flash under Swing applications but its license is ContributionWare.
Can be foud here:

The book i tould can be found here:
The book has an online version with a lot of appendicies
.. so dont worry about copyright acessing this link.

If you have time i think you can study this book.
15 years ago
You can load Model Files from other file formats build in 3D modeling tools.. like 3DStudio.

I think it's the best way.
15 years ago

Jason Check wrote:If the image is not diplayed, I suggest you make the following changes of you paintComponent:

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);

If the Image is not displayed dont use a workaround.. try understand why its not being displayed.. using Grapgics drawimage directly can cause weird paintning in the screen.
I cant explain it very well.. but the code i post can work perfectly.
15 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:

Marky Vasconcellos wrote:How are you compiling and running?

I copied the code you had corrected, when I said to get rid of the Exception declaration, changed the name of the image file and compiled it. The code ran first time, showing the image, only the window started off very small.

This is cause i hard-coded the size of the window.

But it's only a example.

Copy it on the Eclipse and change the Compilation Unit Name for the name of the class (ImageScreen).
15 years ago
How are you compiling and running?
15 years ago
Your code is wrong cause your class name is 'image' and have a Constructor named as ImageScreen and you call a new ImageScreen.



If you want more options in this Screen theres a JImagePanel who a friend mine posted in another forum.

i'm searching the code.. when i found i post.

15 years ago
Sorry.. i only copy&paste and change some things.
Its orginally a JWindow.
Here it's fixed.

15 years ago
Here a example:
15 years ago