Iyengar Srividya76

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since Sep 09, 2001
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Recent posts by Iyengar Srividya76

Congrats Suresh...
All the best for the rest of the parts...

For Legacy, Jaworski is good....
The site 'http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/tip-leg.html?dwzone=components'
not sooo easy as u think...
U need to make efforts.... not to discourage u but the qtns are'nt so easy.....
So make yr efforts... give it a best short... don't be over confident...
REad the follwoing books:
UML - 'http://www.togethersoft.com/files/services/umlonlinecourse/index.html' enough for the exam... but if u want read more
book by Martin Fowler is good
EJB - Mastering EJB -Roman freely downloadable from Serverside.com
Enterprise JavaBeans - Richard Monson-Haefel [this book read back to front]
Ejb Spec 1.1 chap 6,9,11,12
Design Patterns - erich Gamma
coopers book is downloadable.. I don't have the link right now...
will get it from certification site...

JMS- Orielly
Legacy, security, Architecture stuff - Java certification - Jaworski
Read Blue Prints - Nicholas Kassem... Freely downloadable from sun site.
Also johns notes from Javaranch site is good...
Just go to the previous messages posted in the forum... i will get all the queries solved...
Ofcourse u need a lot of extra reading in the sense... white papers....
Just remember its an architect exam not programmer.... keep this in mind and read as how would an architect deal with probs...

Hope this helps..
Best of luck...

[This message has been edited by Iyengar Srividya76 (edited November 26, 2001).]

U don't need to actually write code and practise for the exam... It's not a programmer's exam.. It's an Architect exam.. U need to be sure of the concepts that's it...
Hope this helps...

Congrats anis....
Don't get disappointed with the score... it's indeed a good score.. the exam is also tough...
Best of luck with rest of the parts...
Cleared Part I with 87%..
Here is the break up..
Common Architectures....83%
Legacy Connectivity.....80%
EJB Container Model.....100%
Applicabilty of J2EE....100%
Design Pattersn.........80%
I really thank all the members of this forum.... and the posts in the forum helped me a lot...
Thanx herve for patiently solving my doubts...

Hi ....
Best of luck for the rest of the parts ....

Congrats !! Good score....
What about the qtns on Legacy connectivity ???

Congrats for Part II and III....

Congrats !!!
Real good score... best of luck for Part I and II...
Can u just give us a brief about the exam...
The type of qtns... the type of qtns for Design patterns, security and stuff...
I will be giving the exam in few days time...
Any help will be appreciated...

Congrats !!!
Real good score... best of luck for rest of the parts...
Can u just give us a brief about the exam...
The type of qtns... the type of qtns for Design patterns, security and stuff...
I will be giving the exam in few days time...
Any help will be appreciated...
Hi all...
1) Which one of the following statements describes the design that BEST leverages the J2EE architecture?
a) Clients view applets in web browsers, servlets service the client requests on the server and interact with backend services such as databases.
b) Clients install Swing components on their system which
interact via RMI with EJBs on the server, EJBs interact with backend services such as databases.
c) Clients view HTML in web browsers, JSP pages service the
client requests and interact with EJBs on the server, EJBs interact with backend services such as databases.
d) Clients view HTML in web browsers, CGI scripts service the client requests on the server and interact with EJBs on the server, EJBs interact with backend services such as databases.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice
must be selected).
I feel the answer is c....