RaviNada Kiran

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since Jan 30, 2009
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Recent posts by RaviNada Kiran

Hello experts , bartender gurus ,

Please clarify this query for me

Is there any difference in using annotations at Method level and class Level( Annotations that are used here are applicable to both)

// Specified at Method Level

// // Specified at class Level

waiting for the responses .Thanks in advance/

Learn the meaning of "server side" and "client side".
Go get yourself a decent JSP/Servlet book. This all is fairly trivial.

Please stop this behaviour from you . It hurts people.
15 years ago

JavaScript is generated on the server, then you are correct.

I never meant this .

15 years ago
ulf , did you go through my earlier post ??

and session is part of container know.
15 years ago

This is in reference to my earlier post "https://coderanch.com/t/437140/JSP/java/setting-session-data-with-javascript"

where i was said it was not possible to do server side work with Javascript , which i wrong .

which is possible.

15 years ago
I am trying to learn how to use profiler for a J2EE application .

I have written a JSP page and deployed it on Tomcat using NetBeans IDE.

when i saw VM Telemetry View it shows me a lot of waiting Threads. Please tell me why there are waiting Threads as i am only the person who is using the Application on my system .

15 years ago

what should be the entry to be made in the Manifest.mf inside the META-INF to pointing to log4j.jar.
Can anybody please tell how to make this entry

Thanks in advance
Thank you very much . All are valid points.
15 years ago
This question is only for Knowledge Transfer.

Will it be ever feasible to catch or throw an RuntimeException ? Will there be any such requirements in a Web based or a Desktop Application .

Thanks in advance .
15 years ago
Thanks Norman . It was a nice explanation .

I have a one more question , if we set the XMX for 256M and if it exceeds will this throw an OOM or the Operating system will manage ??

15 years ago
Thanks Jaenne ,

Eric ,Bose,
Not acceptable solution , but thanks for knowledge Transfer.
Great point ulf , without your support i may spend atleast 6-7 hrs to find the reason for this.

Thank you very much.
Good point Jan .

can you please tell me what are the conditions on which the the container decides to return the Connection instance to the pool .

Thanks in advance.

Relying on this still causes a connection leak because it doesn't happen right away

Can you please tell what do you mean by "it doesn't happen right away"

Thanks in advance .