Sumeet Chakraborty

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Recent posts by Sumeet Chakraborty

Hi All

I have a web based application which has few of its properties declared in a property file. I am using Weblogic to deploy this application. As expected, in case of any changes in the property files, we have to restart the weblogic server for the changes to take effect.

However, now there is a requirement where I am supposed to avoid the server restart incase of a change in any of the property files. I wonder whether it is possible at all, as I am not able to find any solution to it.

Kindly let me know is it at all possible. If yes, then how ?

Awaiting an early reply.

13 years ago
Hi All

I have a wsdl which has some reference to external locations (URLs). Whenever I run the wsdl2java utility , it gives me error like - an error occured trying to resolve schema referenced at ...... - reffering to the external url. This is because the enviorenment on which I am working doesnt have network connectivity. I checked it on another enviorenment where it has net connection, and it worked fine as it was able to connect to the external location.

Now to resolve this I want to use XML Catalog. But I am not aware of how to use it with ant build (build.xml). The wsdl2java utlity of Axis2 doesnot comes with any argument which allows us to specify any XML Catalog files for resolving external references of the wsdl.

Request you all to suggest me a suitable way to ressolve this. Also note that I cant change my development method, as its mandatory for me to use ant build scripts(build.xml) to do all such things. So I need to specify the XML Catalog somewhere in the build.xml target where wsdl2java is specified.

Please help.

14 years ago
Hello All

I have implemented a web service using Axis2 and Jboss with the top down approach(Generating stub, skeleton classes from wsdl). Then added a sysout in my skeleton's service method.

Then I have a client program which tries to invoke the service method . But after executing the client program I am getting the following exception :

Can anyone please throw a light on how to rectify this ? I really have no clue
14 years ago
Thanks for your response MZ. I am aware of the fact that what I am trying to do is something offtrack to what SUN expects . But the certification is not my only target. I will be implementing Web Services in my work as well, where I will be working with JBoss and Axis. So this is a great opportunity for me to learn, perform and get certified as well

So my question was from a different point of view. It would be of great help if someone could address it and help me out.
Here I am posting another topic. Just want to give 100 % to learn Web Services and complete the certification.

My doubt is : How do I use JBoss 4.2.3 to work with web services? I have a WSDL and already generated stub & skeleton files. Now I need to write the business logic in the skeleton file and deploy it on Jboss. How do I do that ?

Is Axis2 (I used Axis2 to generate the stub/skeleton) necessary to be deployed on JBoss to achive this .. or its possible without the help of Axis2 ? I just want to use Axis for generating the stub and skeleton only , then deploy the service on JBoss without the help of Axis, but not sure how to achive this.

Please guide me with the steps which I need to perform to achieve this.

Thanks !
Thanks Ivan. But thats not the problem. I already confirmed the availability of this jar and made sure its not out of reach to my program. But its just not happenng.

I am doubting .. is this any kind of compatibility problem ??

Please help.
I managed to rectify the above exception by adding the folder containing the clas to the class path.

But after that I am facing the following issue :

I really dont have any clue for this . Please help
Hi All

I have a simple client program to invoke a web service on Axis2. The following is the code :

The services are succesfullt deployed on Axis2 Server and its ready to be invoked. But wen I run this client program , it gives ne the following Exception :

I am not able to understand the followling part :
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans.system.sEE23823DC08BE88C8EAD145415BC606F.TypeSystemHolder

The build path includes the concerned jar as well : xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar

I am stuck in this. Please help.

I am about to ask you a very stupid question as I am a completely new baby in Java Web Services world Request you to please help me out.

I wonder how can I identify the exact method signatures which is required to be invoked as a service. For Instance .... I want to access a 3rd party web service method. I got the WSDL file and generated the stub class using WSDL2Java utility of Axis2. Now I need to write the JAX-RPC client class which will call the remote method on the stub.

But after creating the stub object in my client class code, what are the steps I need to perform to identify the exact method names with their signature ? The stub java file looks confusing to me as it contains many methods and inner classes as well.

Please suggest.

Thanks !
Hi All

Can anyone help me to understand the steps to implement Transport Layer Security (Handshake) in a web service application ? I think I should implement this code in my JAX-RPC program, but I am not getting how to do this. Please help.


Hi All

I am very new in the world of web services and thats the reason I got stuck in few problems and looking for some expert advise .

I have a wsdl file and I want to generate the java classes of it (the stub and skeleton) . I am using Axis2 and JDK 1.5 for it. While using the WSDL2Java.bat utility of the bin directory but its throwing the following error.

Please help me to resolve the same as I am not getting the result for it.

Also I have few questions :

Does Axis2 support JDK 1.5 ? And what about Axis 1.4 .. does it only supports JDK 1.4 ?

Which is the most stable version of Axis ? 1.x or 2 ?

Please help me out ...


14 years ago
Congratulations. This is a good score. And most importantly you learned a lot.

14 years ago
Hi All

I want to appear for SCBCD but I am bit confused with the versions of the same. I know going for the latest versions are always good , so I am fine with learning EJB 3.0.
But currently I am working with EJB 2.0 in my organization and all of my company projects use EJB 2.0. So I dont have an option to work with EJB 3.0 in near future.

Also I have never tasted EJB 3.0 but heard its very much different from EJB 2.0. So my questions are :
1. Shall I go ahead with the certification (SCBCD) with EJB 3.0 ? If not , Is SCBCD avaibale for EJB 2.0 ?
2. What are the changes in EJB 3.0 which makes it comepletely different from EJB 2.0 ?
3. If I go for EJB 3.0 then will the knowledge of EJB 2.0 help me to grasp the concepts quickly (afterall the basic concepts must be same) ?

Please suggest.

Hi all

I am very much new to the Web Services world. So as the initial stages I am trying a simple Hello program to execute.

I have created the WSDL File successfully and then I am trying to deploy the wsdd file on Apache Axis 1.4 version. After starting the Axis server I am typing the following command on command line to deploy wsdd :

java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient -p 65535 deploy.wsdd

But its giving me the following error :

I am not getting the reason behind connection reset

Just for your info.. I am using JDK 1.4 and Axis 1.4

Please help as I am badly stuck with my first Web Services program.

Thanks and Regards
Sumeet Chakraborty

15 years ago