Jehaan Butt

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Recent posts by Jehaan Butt

Yes, I got it on 7th April. A week after my previous post.

I would suggest writing to SUN if you still haven't got yours.
One thing I would recommend is that you take it at your own time. Don't rush it.

I started my prep in Feb last year, but then I was very busy with college and stuff so I just stopped at around May 2009. I resumed my prep in Jan this year. I am pretty sure that if I would have given the exam two months ago, I would have passed it. But I took a month just solving mocks and asking doubt and finally gave the exam 10 days ago and passed it.

Don't take time off to give the exam if it will affect your work. Take it at your own time.
What was your overall score and what were the individual sectional scores? That would give you an idea what you need to focus on.
I don't know, frankly. I haven't got my certificate yet and until I get it I can't comment in the time span.

You could wait and then mail them again after a week if you haven't got it.
Go to and log in using the ID and password you entered when registering with SUN.

I checked that today. I had passed my SCJP on the 20th and from my account on that site, I found that they had mailed my certificate on the 24th. So hopefully I will get it within the week.

The entry was like this:

Mar 24, 2010 Mar 24, 2010 Fulfillment 5093105 Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6: Mailed Details
Mar 24, 2010 Mar 24, 2010 Fulfillment 5093105 Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6: Processed Details
Mar 21, 2010 Mar 21, 2010 Fulfillment 5093105 Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6: Newly Created Detail

There, you can also check if you have entered the correct postal address. I had to make a few changes to mine.

Good luck

Perhaps because output of the random number generator used(to pick questions from the pool) was not distributed evenly across its interval.

Yea, seemed so. There were questions from chapters just lumped together instead of being spread out through the exam. Quite odd.

Take time to read that chapter too; every thing in the SCJP exam is basic and important.

I agree here, I will be revising everything once again when my holidays start.
14 years ago

Just out of curiosity, why didn't you go for SCJP 6? Are you going to be taking the upgrade exam?
14 years ago
I got 42 out of 60 - not bad but not great either.

I was quite surprised to miss 60% of the fundamentals questions

The test was slightly easier than your average mock exam. Surprisingly though there were no questions on the new Java 6 topics like Console and NavigableMap and stuff.

I had skipped the chapter on development due to time constraints and I am sure that I took a hit because of that.

Anyway, thanks to all the ranchers for their help during the prep Now I guess I'll just relax and focus on college.
14 years ago
I had registered for the SCJP 6.0 today at 11AM IST at the CMS centre on SV Road Andheri (Mumbai) in February. They had even issued a receipt and I thought all was well.

Today, when I reached the centre at 1030 AM, it was closed. Now, on the prometric website it is saying that I have already appeared for the test and cannot reschedule it. What can I do now? I don't see why I should have to buy a new voucher because I haven't given the test! Is there anyway I can get the voucher replenished?
Never mind, I looked it up and found Ankit Garg's reply to a previous question that answered my doubt.
If in the exam, it is not explicitly stated that a code with assertions is compiled and run with assertions enabled, what do we have to assume? Enabled or disabled?

Which lines do not compile?
a. Line 1
b. Line 2
c. Line 3
d. Line 4

The answer given is 1 and 3. 3 is obvious - there is no semicolon. But the reason given for line 1 is that "Synchronized is wrong here". What does that mean? Why exactly is synchronized wrong in this statement?
The bedrock here is this - whenever any arithmetic operation involving two different variables is carried out, the answer is always at least an int, even if the two operands are bytes or shorts.
Why are you studying for SCJP 5? SCJP 6 is almost outdated now and there are only a few extra classes that have to be learnt.
Hey Swagato, congrats on passing.

I am giving my exam on the 16th of March and I am wondering what you meant by the drag and drop issues in the simulator. Which simulator are you referring to and what exactly was inadequate about them?

14 years ago