Dean Reedy

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since Sep 10, 2001
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Recent posts by Dean Reedy

ok, I have a jsp page which calls a java class which captures my webserver screen shot and saves it as a jpg. The problem is everytime I call this class it is the same picture and will not update itself, same old screen shot. I delete the jsp between calls and the old picture appears! Any ideas?
I call the class by using:

The code for the class is as follows:

Any ideas would be great.
21 years ago
Thankyou every for your responses. I did add the "." to the CLASSPATH variable and this allows me to compile and run from the directory with ease. However my orginal problem of the main not found ended up being that my "jar" files needed for the import were in the "c:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\jre\lib\ext\" and that was fine for compiling, but the run the program my "jars" needed to be in the "c:\program Files\java\j2sdk1.4.1_02\jre\lib\ext\" directory.
thanks again.
21 years ago
I have the following setup:

java installed to: c:\j2sdk1.4.1_02
I want to be able to run java programs on an e: drive, but I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: TestMail
I can compile a program for example in the e:\startup folder by typing: c:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin\javac from the e:startup folder
However when I go to run this program by typing: c:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin\javac TestMail , I get the above error.
Now my envirnoment variable setting are:

I would like to be able to compile and run java programs from anywhere on my system. How would I set the classpath to allows this?

Listing on the imports on the testmail program:
import java.sql.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.activation.*;
public class TestMail
Any help would be great.
21 years ago
JiaPei Jen ,
Here are a few jsp possiblities:
And here is one we use at work, nice but using PhP:

Let me know, if one works.
21 years ago
Is it possible to serve mpeg or avi files with Tomcat as I want to serve these to my in-laws for small videos of our baby. I am using tomcat standalone. Any examples would be great.
21 years ago
I would like to know if there is any way I could get java speech api to use my own voice when it converts text to speech. Any ideas would be great.
21 years ago
What I am going to do is have a main Panel which is a sperate class
The MainPanel creates a TabbedPane with each Panel being a seperate class. I want to create an object in the MainPanel.class(data object) and be able to reference that same instance of the object in all of the panel classes.
Such as - creates an object, loades it's data.
Now in the:
APanel, BPanel, CPanel, DPanel classes I want to reference the same instances of the object and any changes updates to the object are reflected in no matter which panel you are, thus if APAnel sets for example the color property to yellow than the CPanel sees that the color is yelllow. All classes referencing the same object.
I hope I explained it better. Basicly I am setting up a configuration file and want all java classes in a package to reference the same object and see the same information.
21 years ago
Could you post how(code) you are connecting to the Unix server. I wanted to know that.
I am going to have a main program and on this I will have a jtabbedpane, and each tabbedpanel will be a seperate java class, but I would like to be able to reference a public object and I want all to reference the same object. Each panel will have access to a data object and I only want one instance of the object that each panel is pointing too. How would I go about doing this?
21 years ago
I am looking at kicking off one shell and capturing the output and than logging out.
Side note I would like to be able to open and download files stored on a Unix box as well.
Yes, I am looking at basicly running a telnet seesion and capturing the displayed data.
I am writing a tool which will be ran on a windows desktop and connect to Unix, Oracle servers and NT servers for monitoring data.
Any ideas to implement the telnet?
thanks again.
I would like to run a java program on windows machines and in the program connect to a Unix machine and run Unix commands and capture the Output. Could someone point me in the right direction, what I need to use?
I would like to find more out about the following, maybe a simple overiview with examples or a beginners-experts explaination.
I am looking at the idea of:
Program consisting of:
GUI Layer
Business logic layer
Database layer

I am looking at ways to implement this. Any ideas to start would be greatly appreicated.
You might try this:

It is just a little different. You will need to replace variables: host,db,user,pass in the conn string. Hope this helps.
21 years ago