Preet Prasannan.

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Recent posts by Preet Prasannan.

Thanks a lot for the answer Hebert and Paul.
Will dig into it a bit more and come up with questions if any I come across.
13 years ago
Editing as I just saw the previous post which gave me a way to find the solution but created some more doubts that I would first look at, code and if not solvable, will ask.
13 years ago
Just to add, at all trials, I tried using the default implementation of hashcode.
13 years ago
Hi All,

I recently came across the hash collision vulnerability in multiple programming languages including Java.
As I could understand that this happens when two or more objects have the same hashcode.
But I tried generating some strings but was unsuccessful in getting same hashcodes. Hashcodes returned were always unique.

Can anyone spray some light as to how it can be possible to generate objects with the same hashcode?
It got me particularly interested as this issue creates a serious vulnerability with DOS attack on servers.

13 years ago

I was doing a comparison with Jasper and BIRT.
And I came accross the term ODA.
What exactly is ODA?

And I felt Jasper is faster that BIRT.
Please do suggest if someone thinks otherwise.wil be helpful for me to understand and decide better.

Thanks in advance,

Thanks a lot Tim.
I guess I need to dig deeper into what exactly cloud offers and match with the needs that I have for the application.
But thanks a ton for providing for all the info.
Can take it as a solid starting point for this.

13 years ago
Thanks a lot Tim.

I did a lokkup on Amazon and did find that they are offering free service for a year. Suits me the best as of now.Need to check the others as well.

Just another question.
In the Java development lifecycle, the only place where the cloud comes into the picture is then, only the deployment.Is it correct.?
Which means I dont have to worry about the servers, physical machines, availbility and other issues.

And regarding the repository, I was thinking if I could have the Svn or a CVS server running in the cloud, that puts my development environment also to the cloud. Which means that I dont have to worry about getting physical machines or data centres for saving my code. Am I correct in saying so?

And thanks a ton for helping me out with this.
Have just started understanding cloud and hence all these ideas and doubts.

13 years ago
Any help would be appreciated.
Looking forward to guidance,

13 years ago
Thanks a lot Wouter and Tim.

My apologies for a limited knowledge on the concept of cloud.
Did a small research in the meanwhile and I came to a conclusion that cloud is broadly more about the resources that are put on the network and that otherwise would have to be bought by an organisation,configured and maintained. So all the servers, as required, the operating systems etc can be had in the cloud.

Am I correct in saying so?

If yes, is it possible to get such a cloud for trial so that I can explore?
And as for java development, I can put the repository in the cloud and give access to the developers. Or is there a better way to do it?

If I am not correct, please correct me. Else if you could suggest a resource where I learn more about the same,it would be really helpful.
13 years ago

I wanted to know some basic information about Cloud.
Lets say I want to build an application using Cloud.

1.Can I have the entire development environment on Cloud?
I have seen Eclipse IDE plugins available but does that mean that the entire code will be in cloud?
Is it possible?

2.Can I set up the environment in a way that I can give the developers access selectively on the cloud? i.e. access mechanism on cloud?

3.Can I have some places where I can try cloud for sometime to know and understand it better without paying for it initially? I mean atleast being able to deploy some applications on a jboss server(for eg.) on a cloud, for a start.

4.How different is the this environment from the normal development enviroments?Advantages and disadvantages,if any?

Please help me with this as I am learning and trying to get to know more about cloud.

13 years ago

In a city like Bangalore for 4+ the CTC can go upto 8.5L in normal circumstances.
My friend just went into a consulting company and got this salary.
But getting a higher salary would be possible with product development companies and with startups who are big on hiring.
There are pros and cons of the same.
Pros are that getting into startup gives you loads of direct exposure to the technologies and the entire process of delivering the product from the requirements to the production deployment.
But the cons on getting a very high salary is that after a time, most of the companies are not able to afford you as there is some parity levels at the established organizations.

So choose the company that you want to work with and also give an equal weightage to the quality of work and the salary. It will help you gain more in future.

All the best for your future.

13 years ago

I have started thinking for a career in consulting in Java.
What should I be doing for such a step?
What all are the places/resources/sites that I can approach.
Do I need to start with a Visa in the US or a schengen visa?

Please advise on the same.

13 years ago

I have 5+ years of experience in designing and developing scalable enterprise application in Java/J2ee.
Also have worked on Xml,Hibernate and application servers like Websphere and Weblogic.
Also well versed with Maven,Hudson,Jenkins and other tools.
I have worked on domains like Finance, banking and most recently Mobile Payments.
I am looking for freelancing work or contracts.
Can send across my full resume which talks about the entire technology stack that I have worked on.

13 years ago

I have 5+ years of experience and passionate about coding.Currently based out of Bangalore.
I was looking for some freelancing work and would love to do this.
I have send a private message with my contact details.

13 years ago

The clipboard problem has been solved.
But now I have another issue.
I am trying to mask the characters entered by keyboard.
I am using a PushBackStream to do this by using "unread()" to erase the entered characters. This being done inside a thread.
But if I type my characters fast, some of the characters are missed out by this function and they can be seen.

And since its 1.5,cannot use the Console class that is available in 1.6.

Please help with this.
One thing that I could think of is a way to disable the printing of what we write(something like disabling echo in Unix).But this should be doable on all of the OS.

Thanks in advance,

13 years ago