Mohammed Amine Tazi

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since Feb 09, 2009
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Recent posts by Mohammed Amine Tazi

Thanks for your reply.

I'm using JPA for persistence and MySQL as an RDBMS.

What I want to say is that when an exception of DataIntegrityViolationException is needed to be thrown, it's not thrown and code goes well even if it's error.

I think spring transaction when used when MySQL postpone errors to the end of the transaction.
14 years ago

I have a User Table that contains Login as primary key. I have LoginService calling LoginDAO and LoginService is transactional.

I have a method LoginService saveUser(User user) calling user). The problem I get is that when I add a user with an existing login, the LoginService.saveUser method doesn't catch the exception (DataIntegrityViolationException), and a rollback exception is thrown after the method finishes.

I make a solution of creating a Manager class that's transactional and keep the service not transactional to solve the problem. But I wonder how can I solve the problem as it is?

Thanks in advance.

14 years ago

Thanks for the response. The problem is "inherits" looks just for gwt.xml files, so it appends it automatically to the name attribute of "inherits" tag.
if I put <inherits name="zoltar"/>, it gives me an error kind of : "error parsing xml, zoltar.gwt.xml not found".

Good day,
14 years ago

I'm developing a new GWT application. My new app references a jar that contains some Beans.
In the new app server side class I have a method that returns the bean in the referenced jar. I got an error : No source code available for this bean.

I tried to create a clone of this bean in my gwt app but get a serialization problem that my bean in the referenced jar doesn't serialize.

Could you help me please.

Good day.
14 years ago
I think you have to stick with one class diagram. It's more clear and easy than navigating in different diagrams.

Good luck.
Thanks and have a nice day
15 years ago
In fact, I'm wondering if it's a best practice to load a catalog of products in an application scope JSF managed bean from startup, or to use caching after the first call of a product.
And is it possible to update cache using setter methods in the managed bean.

Thanks in advance.

15 years ago
Hi. I want to know if it's a good thing to cache Data in a JSF managed bean that has Application Scope?

PS: Knowing that Data isn't updated frequently and not very big.
15 years ago
I want to know if we have to include the updated domain model in the assignment or just entities are sufficient in the class diagram ?
Thanks for your reply and good luck.
You can use anything related with JEE technology including Web Services ( Jax-WS...)

Good luck.
HI ALL, I'm confused about use cases. Do we have rights to add other use cases like "Customer Login" or "Sign up"? And how about refining and modifying the existing ones ?
Another question would be : How to fit the added components to the open design ? and how come the validation of components by the stock system is done after completion despite of after adding a new component?
I prepared using the study notes from Rajneesh and slides of javapassion.
You could have a look at site for learning other technologies mentioned in the exam like XSD, ....
Good luck
Which framework you're using (eg. JSF or ...) ?
com.bea.xml.XmlException: failed to load java type corresponding to e=weblogic-ejb-jar@

Verify if you're using a non-compliant type in your xsd. Maybe it's a xsd to java cast error made by STAXB
15 years ago