raghu yeggina

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Recent posts by raghu yeggina

Thank you Sir,

Its exactly what you have said. A global forward tag was misplaced inside global-exceptions. Now its resolved.

There's still another problem where i can see the following message on the server console.

In this case also everthing is working fine except that the message is being shown even though we write the

log4j.properties file and place it in the default package in the 'source packages' folder of the NETBEANS

project where after clean-build and running the project we can see it in the WEB-INF/classes folder.

Please suggest us how to resolve the problem.

Thanks in Advance.
15 years ago
And when we run the project by setting in log4j.properties file,the above mentioned is not getting displayed.
15 years ago
Hi Everyone,

We are into a struts 1.x project development and looking forward to include log4j framework.

We are using Netbeans6.5 IDE. We are able to successfully implement and use log4j but when we compile and run the

project there's being displayed an error on the tomcat console at run time, which is not causing any problem as the

project is running, which goes like this.

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "global-exceptions" must match "(exception)*"

Please help us solve this error.

Thanks in advance.

15 years ago
Hi Sagar & Seetharam,

Our requirement is fulfilled successfully with the help of request attribute as suggested by you.

Thanks a lot.
15 years ago
Hi Seetharam,

I am forwarding it.
15 years ago
Thanks Sagar and Seetharaman,

Still there's a small question Sagar. No need to set "session" variable, a setting request variable will help .

does request variable means that request parameter is alone sufficient or we need to set a request attribute?

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
Hi Friends,

I have a requirement in my struts 1.2 project in which there's a login.jsp which has two buttons 'login' and 'register' which loads a page named registration.jsp which provides the login and registration divisions on the same page.

Now my requirement is to make the focus of 'Login Name' s textbox on when clicked on 'login' or to make the focus of 'First Name' 's textbox on when clicked on 'register' in my login.jsp page.

Here when we are clicking on login or register we are switching from module to another causing the request go to struts-config.xml of another module.

I have two options in my mind where one is to set a request parameter when calling a method in an action class where the request is going in both cases and there setting a session attribute named 'clicked' and setting it to 'login' or 'register' and then getting the session attribute in the registration.jsp page and then checking its value if its 'clicked' or 'register' and then based on the value calling a method on the body tag's onload option. just like this below.

Please suggest me if its a proper coding or not.

And also i have a second option to specify two separate paths to login and register which have the same functionality till the time we go to tiles defs and specify two separate jsp's for the both and the only change that will be there is the change in the method of the onload property of the body tag.

but i have a doubt that is it correct to accept redundancy in code for this requirement..

Please suggest me an optimum solution for the present requirement.

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
Hi Nishan,

Thank you for the reply.

You are right that web.xml is for the whole application and not specific to any single module.

The second module is not another web application but a part of this application only.

for sure we have a single web.xml and the second module is not simply attached with a link or any

but its a module only and as i have stated earlier i am able to successfully integrate and traverse between

the two modules with struts and its built in mechanism.

But still the session is not getting invalidated according to its specified timeout peroid.

Are there any other things to be taken under consideration inorder to solve this problem.

If any, please suggest them.

Thanks in advance
15 years ago
Hi Friends,

I am having a project which uses struts 1.2 and consists of two modules and with the help of 'Switch Action' i am able to switch from one module to another successfully.

But the session timeout specified in the web.xml is not getting applied to the second module i.e. for example i specified the session timeout as one minute in the web.xml and its working fine with the first module, and when we stay idle for that time in the second module the session is not getting destroyed.

I am confirming that session is not getting destroyed as i am using Session Listener and printing a statement on the server console whenever the session is destroyed.

Can any one please help me to resolve the issue and specify how to invalidate the session using session timeout tag when we are browsing the second module also.

I can even post the code if not clear.

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
Hi Everyone,

There's some problem with validation of minimum length of a field.I'm posting the code here below.
Below is the code in validation.xml

Below is the code in applicationresources.properties file

Below is the code in validationrules.xml

The 'required' validation is working fine but 'minlength' is not working at all.

Please help me resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
Hi Friends,

We have a requirement for not displaying the actual URL of our project ,during navigation of the website, on the Browser

window and should be implementing Url Masking.

But we don't have any idea of implementing it. Searching the web didn't result in an apt solution either.

Can any one please help us in solving the above problem.

Thanks in Advance.
15 years ago
Hi Everybody,

I've successfully added the tomcat server to my netbeans ide and been able to run it.

But when i right click on my project and click properties and select run to select the server from the available list of servers

i'm unable to see the newly configured tomcat server but can see the pre-existing glassfish server only.

Finally how can i set the default server as tomcat instead of glassfish which is at present my default server

Thanks in advance.

Hi Sagar Rohankar,

Thanks for the Post. Will there be any shortcomings if we run the two projects simultaneously

i.e. in the same server and connect them by giving the url of another project's jsp in an anchor tag?
15 years ago
Hi Everyone,

I have done two separate small projects for an "online book store" one for non-registered users and one for registered users .Both are developed using struts 1.2 framework. Now i need to integrate them like when i click the register link in a jsp page in the unregistered version it should redirect to the registered version's registration page.

Can any one suggest me how to do it. can i provide the url of the registered version's registration page in the register link in the jsp page in the unregistered version and ensure that both projects run in one server simultaneously,or should i integrated both into one project making them as separate modules.

Please suggest me the best practise.
Thanks in advance.

15 years ago
Hi Everyone,

thanks for your valuable posts.. i'm able to resolve the issue as per the suggestions that we should store the result set values in local variables and access the local variables further.

Thanku Alejandro,Seetharam,Balu Sadhasivam and David O'Meara.