john enom

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since Feb 12, 2009
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john enom wrote:I have a voucher for sale that expires at the end of March. It also comes with a free retake. This should work for any 310 series exam, or any exam in the $300 range.

Please email me if you are interested.

Thank you,

[email protected]


I still have this voucher for sale. If you are interested, please contact me. I am willing to let this go for $175 or best offer.

Thank you.
15 years ago
I have a voucher for sale that expires at the end of March. It also comes with a free retake. This should work for any 310 series exam, or any exam in the $300 range.

Please email me if you are interested.

Thank you,

[email protected]
15 years ago

Ashwin Pai wrote:Hi All,

I am looking for a SCJP 5 or 6 voucher that can be used in USA at a discounted rate(if anyone is aware of offers). I am also willing to buy is from someone who is looking to sell it.


hi Ashwin,

I have a voucher that I'm trying to sell asap. It expires at the end of March and has a free retry. If you are interested, please email me at: [email protected]

15 years ago