Karthik Jayachandran

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since Feb 18, 2009
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I like this book and would like to purchase it. But amazon india shows exorbitant price even for a kindle edition (please refer attachment). Is there any other medium available at lower price? Thanks.

7 years ago
None of the company's HR will give you that 'company standard' salary. I did the same mistake too. So dont ask for it.

Generally do your own homework and find out what is the salary that you can get for your level (years of experience, skillsets, city of residing, etc) and ask a bit above.

For eg, if you think you can get 10 LPA (Lakhs per annum), request for 11 or 12 LPA. They may negotiate starting from 9 or 10 or 11 and finally you may end up anywhere around 10, above is better (as its above market standard). Sometimes it can affect the offer too. So be careful while handling and be honest.
8 years ago
It seems only you can identify the problem here. You may have to introduce yourself to front-end webtools, like Firefox's Firebug or Chrome's Developer tools.

These tools can help you find the problem very quickly. It can show if any ajax request is made or not (see Net Panel in Firebug), whether it is successfull or not, or if there is any javascript error you can see it in console, etc. You can also set a breakpoint to the alert line and check for yourself why it is being called before the ajax response.
It's great to see books on newage tools and concepts. I know to use Bootstrap with some AngularJS on page-level only.

A few questions on the book,
1. Does it cover front-end MVC patterns like MVP, MVVM,...etc. and which is used for the example(s).
2. Does it covers RWD or only desktop web-applications.
3. Is this an AngularJS book, or we(readers) should know angularJS before reading this book ?


Thanks for the reply
10 years ago
As there are multiple approaches for designing a web-application, does the book cover best practices to be followed?

For eg,
1. Using xml-based configuration or annotation-based
2. Best way for configuring hibernate datasources, cache mechanisms, transaction aspect pointcuts, etc.
10 years ago
If you are using an IDE, try creating breakpoints and debug the code line by line to identify the exact problem.
10 years ago
'0' means time-out seconds, before redirecting the page to the new URL (populateRegister)

Refer google for more details
10 years ago
Not very much clear about your queries but we did something like this. We used Struts 2 with Tiles framework.

In the Tiles template file, left side is a menu.jsp page which renders menu dynamically from an ArrayList. The ArrayList is fetched from the database and the url is written with a id or name eg. showMenu.do?menuId=10 where menuId=10 in db refers to a particular menu. Here showMenu.do is a DispatchAction which forwards/calls the tiles definition.

And on the right side, jsp pages will be loaded for each menus as defined in the Tiles definition xml file.
10 years ago
It is setting the message to the request variable status for display purpose, I guess. Check RegisterForm.jsp.

To know about the tags and attributes, refer Struts documentation
10 years ago
Thanks for the link. Will try out using Digester. Previously I was trying with JAXB and the code always becomes messy.
Thanks Ulf Dittmer. I found a few of such articles too. Just thought of asking fellow ranchers here as some may have experienced it.
11 years ago
We encountered a similar scenario - to upload a xml data of about 1GB+ data.

Please ignore if it doesn't suit for your application. Our application uses struts framework and ms sql server as database.

Doing the parsing in java is slow and may end in out-of-memory exception. So we did the following,
1. Mapped a shared-folder of database server to the application server(its an intranet web application).
2. Uploaded the file directly to that shared-folder.
3. Execute a procedure which reads the file and dumps the whole data in a temp table.
4. Execute another procedure which splits(cleans) data as per master/detail.
5. Further processes...

Allowing the database to parse the huge file is bit faster than doing in the application/web server.
I liked the michael jackson tribute flash mob. It may be old and boring but always love watching it and liked this group's style.

11 years ago