Sanjay Singhaniya

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since Feb 21, 2009
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Recent posts by Sanjay Singhaniya

It was simple mistake. the pattern should have been ".+" .
The query is resolved.
I am not able to understand why following program is giving output "not Matched". The pattern is simple "." which should match everything.

You can use state design pattern to capture which button is clicked.
button X implies State X
button Y implies State Y
If many of GUI components remain the same, you can use state design pattern. State design pattern will capture what changes and you can implement common components only once. Common components will delegate the call to State object to implement state-specific functionality.
I would like to have inputs over my design.

Hi All,
Thanks for your replies. Now I am very much confident on what to expect from this certification.

Thank you once again.
Can someone please guide me on signifcance of SCEA certification in java industry? How much value is given to this certification in industry?
Please let me know what it the retail price and the discounted price.
Also, I got to know from some of my friends that same voucher can be used to appear for any Sun certification like SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD etc. So there might not be something like discounted price only for "SCJP". If there is discounted price, it has to be there for all the certifications with same exam fee.
Please let me know the discounted price. I am planning to buy a voucher.
I think both of you are legends. Very excellent example.
I think there should be a place in javaranch to list the examples which makes developer think. Any ideas?
Thanks Deepak for the reply. I am able to see my score in "Reports" but there is no details link.
Another important thing I noticed is there are no drag-drop question in master 1 exam. I don't know about master-2.
Drag drop questions are more difficult than objective questions and drag-drop questions on API are sometimes tricky to answer. It would have been nice if there would have been drag-drop questions in master-exam.
I mistakenly closed the report window without checking out which answers were wrong.
Now I am not sure how to get the wrong answers. Any idea on this?

System.out.print(ga.i+" "+ga.getI()); //this statement will execute ga.getI() first. It will print "Sub" and return 2.
So the print order is "Sub" from ga.getI()
"1 2" from above print statement.
To study for SCJP exam, you should read a SCJP study guide which focusses on SCJP syllabus. By using complete reference, you are not targeting your efforts towards the exam.
As Jesper Young correctly pointed out, you can represnt integer or long numbers in octal.
To represent a long number in octal; simply add L at the end of number literal.

For example,
Though I haven't understood all concept yet, your replies were very informative.
I have got two important facts from the discussion:
any declaration in the top class level, generics doesn't allow you to have super keyword
You can only use <? super X> on methods and variables.

I will try to dig a little around those points.

Thanks a lot.
I killed some more time and made the threads to yield.

And the output is :

15 45 65 100 106 117 143 169 175 181 187 193 199 205 211 217 228 249 265 271 277
303 309 320 330 345 351 357 363 369 375 386 392 398 419 435 446 452 458 464 470
476 492 548 559 565 571 577 598 609 615 626 637 643 649 655 661 667 673 679 690
696 747 753 759 770 776 812 818 849 855 861 867 873 884 890 896 907 923 934 940
950 956 962 968 979 985 991 1017 1023 1029 1035 1041 1047 1053 1059 1065 1085 1
091 1097 1103

As the output shows that still not all numbers are multiples of 2 or 5 or 10.
Sorry I was a little late to post last reply.
But it is indeed weird. On the same lines compiler should not allow "String s instanceof Comparable" because it knows at compile time that it String is indeed Comparable and the instanceOf will always return true.