Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 25, 2009
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Recent posts by Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju

Is there any Unit testing framework for Andriod Code ?
15 years ago
Does Andriod support Bluetooth ?
15 years ago
Does Android Support SVG ?
15 years ago
Is there any IDE+Emulator for developing Andriod App?
15 years ago
Is there any certification course in Andriod ?
15 years ago
How does Andriod compare with JME ?
15 years ago
I can tell you about BlazeDS converts Java Object into a Action Script Object .....!!!
Mayank .... very nice post ......

I would also like the clear answers for this .....

You need a server like axis.... which helps you expose your method as web service ...
You need all the components I guess to be called as web-service ....

If you have a web-service can have any client (WS) access it !!! irrespective of the technology whether it is MS or Java

You send xml and receive xml ..u need a specific client ..which knows that xml dtd !!! dont you ...

Thats my 2 Rupees about WebService !!!

I cant make comments about the performance yet .....
15 years ago
Will I get the subscription now .....???
15 years ago
Will Android support any kind of Location API ?................................

may be some nice protocol to talk to Google services !!!
15 years ago
What does a Ranchhand mean ?
15 years ago
The storage can be anywhere .... in an xml file or a database ....

If you use some good free containers like JBOSS ... it is in some xml ..... you will have to make some configuration etc ....
You will also get the auth page for free I guess ....

For me : I used Struts+Hibernate+JBOSS+MySQL for just Auth .......


15 years ago
Hello Radolf,

Are trying to make a new JavaRanch ? You can do Authentication in several ways ........

I want to know if the code is application server dependant ...... and some similar questions ....

If I have used the save password option then the server would have used some bloody cookie to store it in my computer itself ....

15 years ago
Hello Preeti

Please send me the URL for the Webservice and some documentation ... i will send you the client ...

15 years ago
This has nothing to do with Java .....

You find out a method ...which can create the combination of integers between 0 and number of arraysize ....

15 years ago