Rohit Macherla

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since Mar 02, 2009
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Hi Peer Reynders,

Thanks a lot for your reply and your time.
We will rely on the client side timeout itself.
15 years ago
Hi Peer Reynders,

Thanks for the reply.
Just a couple of questions :
So, does this mean that if my webservice goes into an infinite loop, or takes about 10hours to process, and , say the client that is invoking my webservice sets a timeout of 11hours, then everything would go fine ?(Supposing that all the other work that is done in the webservice doesn't timeout before that) I mean, I was thinking that there should be some configuration somewhere that should stop this. Please let me know if I am wrong.

15 years ago

I am working with JAX-WS webservices. We host some webservices on the JBoss 4.2.2 Application server. Since these webservices are hosted by me, I need to set the maximum amount of time that the webservice should be allowed to process. In case the processing takes up a lot of time, i need to rollback it. Can this be achieved by JAX-WS ? All that I find by googling it points me to a nice "executionTimeout" but that's in the .NET webservices.
If there is no such parameter, what is the default time that a calling webservice is allowed to wait (regardless of the timeout of that client) ?
Thanks for the time.

Rohit M.
15 years ago