Thanks for reply,
Every time I change something in my Applet, I need to generate key pair, sign the jar file and export the key etc.
If I run the same command "keytool", I have to change the alias i.e. "signapplet17" in my last post. Because It is giving me error, alias already exist/used.
Actually I made a bat file for all these command given between dotted line in my last post. And every time after compiling the java file, I have to change to new alias name in my bat file and run that bat.
Up to this now, I have changed my alias from "signapplet1" to "signapplet17". I am evev not sure, where these alias stored and whether it is bad thing to have too many unnecessary alias.
Is there any way, I can simplify all this steps while developing the signed applet. And later at the end, put all these security back.