Cristian Negresco

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since Sep 15, 2001
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Recent posts by Cristian Negresco


EDEN is 100% so a minor GC is about to happen. Try to use one single thread for minor collections. It might help.

If you happen to have the code to reproduce this problem I will be thankful.

16 years ago

BasicService is available on the client side and not on the server side. Even adding the jar to the server side code won't help as the service is initialized from the javaws.exe.

18 years ago
Hi again,

The system properties are added as below:

<property name="java.util.logging.config.file" value="/com/company/bla/bla/">


18 years ago

Try to add the "java.util.logging.config.file" system property which points to your own logging configuration file. Your configuration file could be packed inside some of the downloaded jars.

18 years ago

I need to find out which of the installed applications is started. Is there any J2EE compliant way to do this? I am using Websphere as the J2EE server.


The code wasn't written by me, I even had to consider code which was not available.
The problem seemed to be in the try-catch-finally as Joe Ess suggested. I was not sure this was the problem as I found the faulty pattern in many places and kept correcting it. Until suddenly the problem disappeared.

And the error itself was due to an aleatory appearance of a http connection exception due to a rather small "".
After closing the connections in finally and empirically chosing a bigger defaultConnectTimeout the pb. disappeared.

PS: Sorry for late answer, this was solved quite a while ago.
18 years ago

I have a Java application with a handle leak inside. Are there any tools to investigate this?

With "Process Explorer" I could see the Handle number increasing but I have no clue about what is the type of handle generating the pb.

19 years ago

I need a way to programatically read with Java the signature of some jars.
Is there a way to find out to which entity they belong, who signed them?

I am in real trouble. Some code example will be absolutely great.

Thank you,
19 years ago

Well, it worked.
Here is the post which solved the pb:

HttpClient class and usage is to be found here:

19 years ago

I have set form-based authentication on Websphere 5.1 and it works ok from the browser. Now I need to connect to the Web Container using a Java client to download protected resources.
The problem is that I cannot see the WASReqURL cookie. I could see the cookie in the browser after I have asked for a protected resource, but not with the Java client:

URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
Iterator iterator = conn.getHeaderFields().entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {

Any ideas?

Here is what the server returns:

null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK]
Date=[Thu, 24 Nov 2005 12:59:12 GMT]
Server=[WebSphere Application Server/5.1]
last-modified=[Tue, 25 Oct 2005 12:56:25 GMT]
19 years ago

I need to read the installed applications on a Websphere server. Ideally there should also be possbile to open the ears and wars to read particular config files.
Currently doing that by parsing the directory structure. Does anyone have a hint/sample about a more elegant solution?

19 years ago

" Zipcreator was replaced by the concept of project utility jars (which is probably why you can't find it.) You create a java project with your code. Then you add it as a project utility project for your EAR. It automatically gets jar'd up into a jar in the EAR that any projects in the EAR can reference. I haven't tried it with a war though. To try that out, you would go to the J2EE perspective. In any case, it is usually ok to store the jar in the EAR directory or subdirectory.
Why not? It is just Java code which inherits the environment of its caller. If you call it from a servlet, the Java code has access to the web project's resources. "

My problem is that I wan't to see and pack sources outside of the Java Utility project. The need stems from the fact that I have non-J2EE projects: a JWS one.

" Consider Ant. In fact, this may solve all your problems . You can configure an Ant script to run every time you modify a project. Just point to it as an "external tool builder" on the project properties."

Yes!, that was the solution. Thank you.

19 years ago

First of all thank you Jeanne for your answers.
Funny, I thought this might be the reason for which is not available for download and checked it. Checked it once more after your message but still I was not able to find it.

I mainly need to have a virtual project which creates a jar out of file system resources. The project should realize when one of the resources has changed and rebuild the output jar. The output jar is to be put in /WebContent of a war.

If there is something like that in WSAD (I use 5.1.1) please let me know where to find/activate it. I could of course create a Java project but then I could not access resources outside the directory where the Java project was created.

I would also like the jars to be signed, but that's already a different story.

19 years ago
It's in sas.jar.

19 years ago
Found iwsorb.jar with GlobalOrbExistsException.class. Not the same, but close..

19 years ago