Abhijeet Ravankar

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since Mar 15, 2009
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Recent posts by Abhijeet Ravankar

@Campbell Ritchie: Thanks. But can we destroy a process using ProcessBuilder class (without using Process class)? Please share a better way to it.
14 years ago
Here I try to invoke notepad.exe and pass the path of the file to open. Try it with your VB program. I think it should work.
You can later kill the VB program too.

14 years ago
Your program is correct. It should display the last modification time.
14 years ago
Thanks for further clarification. Never used goto till now. And hardly remember when I used labeled breaks;
14 years ago
Ok got it. Never used goto .... so forgot labels. Thanks !
14 years ago
This code does not throw NullPointerException. It does throw when i is not static. obj.method() returns null and null.i does not throw exception.
It has something to do with static. Please comment.

I typed in the URL and still the code below compliles. Please comment. Why is it allowed?
14 years ago
Try to make this multithreaded.

14 years ago
Dear Sergey,

Thank you very much for sharing your insight about coarse and fine grained parallelism. Yes, as you
wrote, GPUs and FPGAs are extremely difficult to control. I understood the problem of interpreted
language like Java used in complex architectures of GPUs etc. Perhaps the future version of Java /
future subsets of Java will have this capability, as you said.

Really nice having shared your thoughts. Thank you once more.
Welcome Sergey,

All the best for your new book promotion ~
Dear Sergey,

We have two paradigms for parallel programming. Coarse grained (grid, cluster) model and Fine grained model
(multi core processors like GPU, CELL/BE etc). While Java has a proven track for grid computing model, I find its
performance to be unsatisfactory in multicore programming (like JCUDA for GPGPU). And there are very few and
complex tools for multi-core programming. And we expect to see the cores increase every year.

1) I would like to know your views about fine grained vs coarse grained programming model. And role of Java in it.

2) In distant future when the number of cores of processors will be more than 1000s (its already 200+ in GPU), what
do you think is going to be the programming model.

3) With Moore's law, memory & frequency wall, power consumption, multi core processors is the trend. And to get most
performance out of them, parallel programming is the way. Do you feel that in near future, "serial programming will be
obsolete and just a special case of parallel programming"?

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Dear All,

I tried multi core programming using GPU and have been using C.
Java has no support for it. Only one library JCUDA.
Does Java ignore multicore programming model?

Yes, its just a constant attribute named 'coolName' which refers to an object of an anonymous inner class that implements a Runnable interface.

Thanks Devaka and Nicola for clearing.
Thanks Rajiv for asking interesting question.
14 years ago
Simplest explanation is that methods in interfaces are by default "abstract". And we cannot have abstract static methods.

But, I tried this code and it worked!!! (Can we really have static methods in interface!)

and you get output ... program runs! (umm... somebody please explain me too. I am also a bit confused.)
14 years ago
1. If your database table is very simple, then you can run a separate thread which constantly tracks changes in database. Upon change, you can notify and do processing. However, you would have to keep connection open always. Wastage of system resources.

2. I guess Oracle provides just what you want: DCN. Database Change Notification (DCN) is a system where the client registers its interest to the result of certain queries with the database. When the objects associated with these queries change, the database server notifies the client. Using JDBC driver’s DCN feature, multi-tier systems can maintain a data cache as updated as possible by receiving invalidation events from the JDBC drivers.

Please see: http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/11gr1_db/appdev/dcn/dcn.htm

You will find detailed explanation.
14 years ago