Dear Sergey,
We have two paradigms for parallel programming. Coarse grained (grid, cluster) model and Fine grained model
(multi core processors like GPU, CELL/BE etc). While Java has a proven track for grid computing model, I find its
performance to be unsatisfactory in multicore programming (like JCUDA for GPGPU). And there are very few and
complex tools for multi-core programming. And we expect to see the cores increase every year.
1) I would like to know your views about fine grained vs coarse grained programming model. And role of Java in it.
2) In distant future when the number of cores of processors will be more than 1000s (its already 200+ in GPU), what
do you think is going to be the programming model.
3) With Moore's law, memory & frequency wall, power consumption, multi core processors is the trend. And to get most
performance out of them, parallel programming is the way. Do you feel that in near future, "serial programming will be
obsolete and just a special case of parallel programming"?