Its a Mock Exam question:
Which three occur during JSP page translation ( Choose 3)
1.jspinit Method is called
2.JSP page implementation class is created
3.JSP page implementation class is compiled
4.JSP page is validated for syntactic correctness
5.The associated tag files are validated for syntactic correctness
i think the correct answer is 2,4,5.
I am not sure about #5 though. I cant find any documentation in any of the books or online about whether the tag files are validated and checked for syntatic correctness during JSP page translation. BUt i assume they are.
I think its 2,4,5 because:
Because #1 is incorrect - jsp init method is called later on (after loading the class and then instantiating the class)
Because #3 is incorrect - because class compilation occurs after page translation according to what i read about the life cycle of a jsp: Compilation is a seperate step that happens after translation.
Who agrees or disagrees with me? Im not sure if i am actually right
I think the mock answer was 2,3,5.