Rr Kumaran

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since Sep 17, 2001
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Recent posts by Rr Kumaran

yep, I dont want to rearrange the elements in an return object but want to rearrange the return objects themselves...
18 years ago
I am following bottom up approach for developing and deploying my web service using AXIS. I first hava POJO that needs to be exposed as web service and then I did java2wsdl and then I have created the server-config.wsdd and deployed the service and generated finally the wsdl. If I change wsdl then it is not going effect the way I send the *response* soap message and chaging the wsdl will effect the client and the way he sends his *request* soap message since client side stubs will determine the request soap message which are generated from wsdl.

Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
18 years ago
I am using Java2WSDL and deployed my service using server-config.wsdd and Axis generated SOAP message for me while sending the web service response.
18 years ago
I am having a web service provider on AXIS1.3 and when am sending below response to the consumer:

But instead of above soap message I want to send below and want to order the elements.

Is there any tweaking reqired in the generated AXIS server-config.wsdd file. Please suggest.
18 years ago
Peers -

You have given me the correct answers. Thank you for all the links.
18 years ago

That is a nice explanation. I dont have any CDATA sections in my XML. I am wondering are there any best practices of sending xml file in SOAP messages?
18 years ago
I hava rpc encoded style web service that returns a string as response. In the string I'll storing a xml file which has CDATA sections and some inline DTD. My problem is sometimes I am getting an error from axis serialization classes saying that there is an invalid character in xml.

So is it better to convert the xml data into a BASE64 string (may be using AXIS API Or Jakarta Commons API) and return that string as response ? or is there any other way of returning xml files as strings ?

Please suggest.
18 years ago
I am using ANT 1.6.3 on WindowsXP. I am using below ANT task cvs to check out files from CVS Server. However I am
getting an En like "cvs checkout: cannot open temp file BLAH BLAH" as shown below:

Can anyone please tell me why am I getting this En ?

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago
sorry, there is an error in my posting ... it should read as

"It should provide features like I should not duplicate the same eBook twice on my harddisk and thus prevent me for wasting hard disk space."
19 years ago
I have thousands of eBooks on various domains like technology, personality-development, business, spirituality etc. and I am looking for a free software that can manage my eBooks like their name, publisher, amazon rating, date of publication, isbn etc. It should provide features like I should duplicate the same eBook twice on my harddisk and thus prevent me for wasting hard disk space.

Can anybody please suggest? Thanks in advance.
19 years ago
I have registered at your website www.myjavaserver.com for free web hosting. I have a new problem. Since I am behind a corporate firewall and I cannot upload files to this this ftp.myjavaserver.com ftp site ? I tried LeechFTP, WinSCP with firewall/proxy configuration but no avail ? Please suggest.
19 years ago
Are there any (completely) free web hosting websites that can help me deploy my web application comprised of few j2ee technolgies like jsp (java server pages) pages and servlets ?
19 years ago
Scott -

I can replicate the same problem when I try to deploy the ear on my local WSAD's WAS 5.0 Test Environment using the admin console in my WSAD installation.
19 years ago
I have IBM WSAD 5.1.2 for Windows XP on my local desktop. Now can I use the WebSphere 5.0/6.0 Test Environment
that comes with WSAD for remote ear deployments ? Why I am asking this question is
I have WSAD on my machine and my remote friend who is trying to install the ear using my admin console is getting
an error like below :

Please suggest and thanks in advance.
19 years ago