Sriram Akula

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since Mar 21, 2009
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Recent posts by Sriram Akula

I am using query parser. But the filed values on which we are searching is are being converted to lower case.

Is there any method to make it case sensitive?
Thanks maneesh....I think its the best way to learn..i would try it out
15 years ago
Can anyone give me an idea how to use third party tools in swings.

Also i need a sample code for reading xml file through java(in swings would be much helpful)
15 years ago
Thanks it clear now
15 years ago
my query is same as what Mr. Gupta has guessed
15 years ago
sorry for not asking question properly...

the code i gave runs perfectly.

My question is that method1 is not available for Subclass .and how does it give the out[put instead of runtime error
15 years ago
package pakage1;
public class Superclass
void method1()
System.out.println("This is method 1 of Superclass");

package package1;
import package2.*;
public class Other{
public static void main(){
Superclass sc=new Subclass();

package package2;
import package1.*;
public class Subclass extends Superclass{


In the above code method1 is not available to Subclass. And sc is instance of Subclass. Can anyoneexplain why method1 of Superclass is called?
15 years ago