Prashant Hurria

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since Mar 23, 2009
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Recent posts by Prashant Hurria

A must buy for newbies to Spring. I have read both the 2nd and 3rd edition.
11 years ago
Head First HTML5 is a good book. The language is easy and its fun to read. It really engages the reader so you remember much more when you put it down and over the months after you have put it down.
11 years ago
I would strongly recommed using a MVC framework life Struts,Spring MVC (Spring MVC preferably).It can help you with features like error handling , integrated tag libraries form commonly used tasks , templating , navigation control etc. . You surely can do the same thing writing your own code but do you really want to reinvent the wheel. I would be ok with plain servlets for a small Proof Of Concept , demo application but if it is an application with hundereds of pages you will end up either with duplicated spagetti code or reinventing what the MVC framework already provides you.
11 years ago
I tested it on Tomcat. I have seen people facing strange issues on JBoss,Weblogic and most of the time it turns out to be problems like using \ insted of / and other similar things. I will ask a friend who faced a similar issue and will get back to you. In the meanwhile you can google the problem with Weblogic as additional keyword (I am sure you would have done already.)
14 years ago
It seems simple and Should work.
I tried on my system and it did.
The only way you get a 404 here is when the folder structure /ExcelUploadPOC/WebContent/upload.jsp
is under web-inf i.e. you have places your JSP
here: <Tomcat-Dir> \webapps\<WebApplicationName>\WEB-INF\ExcelUploadPOC/WebContent/upload.jsp
put it here it will work:
<Tomcat-Dir> \webapps\<WebApplicationName>\ExcelUploadPOC/WebContent/upload.jsp

Let me know if it solves the issue.
14 years ago

This is illegal becuse you are reffering a non static method from a static code. Non static members have to be assosiated with a object.

So this works but if i was declared outside main and I tried to use it this would not.Also if i declare a variable or method inside static method .Does it automatically become static ??

Dont be confused between static and local variables. Read a basic book on Java like Head First
14 years ago
This is quite an Old post surely the poster would have long forgotten about it.Still adding a reply for the Java Community's benefit.
I faced the same problem and could not find a logical reason for it. I read in some forum that this might be coming due to some entry in the classpath. I removed all my classpath entries and ANT worked perfectly. Then i narrowed down to one particular classpath entry which was playing spoilt spot. The classpath entry was pointing to a non existent location I removed it and bingo all went well.
14 years ago

Rob Prime wrote:You can't use DLL files in Linux, but the java.library.path variable works on all systems. The only difference is that in Linux you will need to use : instead of ; between two folders.

Exactly .... for Linux you need a equivalent of the .dll and that would be a .so file. Most distributions include a .dll and a .so file. For example popular opensource projects using JNI like jnotify provide you with both a .dll filefor windows and a .so file for linux
14 years ago
I am afraid that is the only way.At least what I know of. I could not find anything else. You can try entering information in Manifest file or something like that. Once i made it work the way i mentioned above i didint try much as I didnt need.
14 years ago
Set it as an Enviornment variable like this
SET java.library.path=Path of your DLL
14 years ago
I think what will work is that before you deploy the application set the java.library.path as an environment variable.
14 years ago
The .dll files will not be picked from the class path.
You can set the enviornment variable java.library.path=<Path Of Files >
eg if your dlls are ket in the folder /home/nagarro/official/jNotify/jnotify-lib-0.93 you can set it as java.library.path=/home/nagarro/official/jNotify/jnotify-lib-0.93
alternativally you can also run it like this java -Djava.library.path=/home/nagarro/official/jNotify/jnotify-lib-0.93
14 years ago
I am keenly looking for a Job in Singapore. Can anyone please tell me how is Job market for Java/J2EE in Singapore.I have a total of five years of experience.
What Salary Can i expect ,what is the Imigration procedure.
I Know this question has been asked earlier but last it was asked was in 2009. things have changed a lot since then.
14 years ago
JSTL in action is a good book.
14 years ago

I am not quite understood that why you need to fight with your manager for the leaves which you are entitled.

In a Typical Indian IT Company managers dont think leaves are something employees are entitled to , Varies from company to company.
My Advise if it is really important go to your manager and tell him you badly need the leave also tell him why you need it ..
If it is really important he will understand. If the reason is not that important (Like some distance relitetives wedding etc. ) please refrain from taking the leave.
14 years ago