V Bel

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since Mar 24, 2009
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Yes I am working on that too.
Any suggestions on that. ?
Any useful links ?
15 years ago
Great Worked for my case...
I am posting the code for further reference for other googlers. I modified your code for the infinite while loop.

Thanks a lot. This is really helpful.
15 years ago
If you are using gmail and if you see the mailed by portion when you get a mail you will see a different server than the mailers domain.
So you can easily detect that this email is not the real one.
15 years ago
I am making a website which has java puzzles like "fill in the missing code".
I am compiling and executing the programs online and displaying the results with respect to some test cases.
My problem is when a user tries to implement a program which goes into a infinite loop.

I want to know how I can time out programs while they are executing so I can halt the execution of programs which exceed a certain timeout or my web server will become too slow if such infinite loops are allowed to be compiled.
15 years ago