Frank Farkel

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since Mar 28, 2009
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Recent posts by Frank Farkel

I know this is 5y old, but it is astounding how few online code examples actually work to go from JSON to CSV.

Although this does look like a path/jar issue in the stacktrace, it was in the source, as the OP pointed out. But they didn't explain in a way that is useful.

This is from an API, and will cause the error:

The above failed. When I simply wrapped the entire contents in a pair of brackets ("[ ...]"), though, it was all a single line, not discernable as CSV.

However, when I trimmed the characters before AND after the existing outer brackets, like this:


No header values, but that is a separate issue. To help those running recent java, here is a snippet that works:


I was on here for a million years when it was the java ranch... starting over.. oh well!
10 months ago

You may use JAX-WS client support to do this:

Thanks! I was always under the impression that JCA was required for outbound connectivity. Obviously, I'd love to keep everything under a single, deployed app.

I'll go check this out, and thanks again!

Can a deployed application be used as a web services consumer?

I'd like to have my application to use the container's timer to periodically go fetch data from a remote web service.

Can it be done natively, or do I need to resort to applications outside the container?


This has had me banging my head for days [ ], and I have nowhere else to turn. Please tell me this is a simple mistake so I can get back to programming...

Quick version:

Long version:


-Linux server opensuse 11.1
-All packages/bundles downloaded and installed-no apt, yast, yum, etc.
-To keep things clean:

All the HOMEs:


Any web service I try fails. Here is an example web service:

Here is what the eclipse project looks like:

One thing I haven't messed with is the .classpath entry in the project which is:

The WSDL generated from this service is:

It all looks like it should to me, but I have yet to get a single WS working, so what do I know?!

It has been extremely confusing. Some say jboss shouldn't be run on Java 6, some say a web.xml file is needed, all tutorials say this should just work.

The VB.NET component is ridiculously simple, as it just calls http://server:8080/gmsTest/HelloWorld?wsdl and sees the wsdl file no problem, adds the proxy code, and all LOOKS just dandy.

I have spent days going in circles, trying everything I could read about, and keep running in circles. Can one of you more knowledgeable folks point me in the right direction? I'll write an article on my blog about how to do this (to help others) if you can help me get it working!

TIA (big time)!


A little more detail from the jboss server log:

15 years ago