Lei Guoguo

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since Mar 31, 2009
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Please see the jdbc api
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
15 years ago
you can try String.valueOf();
Rahul, thank you very muck. i believe i was understood what you said
hi, everyone, i have a question for HQL

we have two classes A and B, there have one-to-many relation, A is one, B is many.
and B had a field x.

question is: selected all the A's instance, required is B.x is equals 1.

please give the HQL

my answer is :
FROM A a WHERE a.b.id in (SELECT b.id FROM B b WHERE b.x = 1)

advance thanks everyone

uper code is java source in java.io.BufferedReader, you know , in this method, in = null;

see under code

key code is super(in);
now , we can see the super class java.io.Reader

i think, you are understood, the inputstream in bufferedreader is null when we close the invoke java.io.BufferedReader.close()
15 years ago
if you can use jstl tag, you can write like under code

if not

<%page.setAttribute("groupB", ((Object[])request.getAttribute("groupA"))[3]) %>
<logic:iterator />
15 years ago
<html:link action="${please write your action property name in here }"
15 years ago
you can give the placeholder in the jsp page by this tag <html:errors />

if you not assign any attribute in this tag, you will get all errors message.
if you want to get property designated, you can use the attribute "property" like this
<html:errors property="name" />
15 years ago
write the ajax implements for yourself?
a href="jsp/admin/cc.jsp" LINK

this link in which jsp page? please give the jsp page name and its folder
15 years ago
using like this:
15 years ago
you can use the struts multiply modules develop.
in the web.xml you can config like this:

15 years ago
you can use the dwr for Ajax framework,
you can definited these key in your MessageResource.properties

in your html page you can used like this
15 years ago