Sudhakar Sharma

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since Apr 04, 2009
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Recent posts by Sudhakar Sharma

I have a scenario to parse an xml file and populate a bean with that data, which is the better way to do that using JDOM api or Unmarshaling ?
Why there can be public constructor inside an abstract class, what is the scenario to use this public constructor? Please elaborate.
12 years ago
clone() method is defined in the Object class with protected modifier(why so?), although we have to implement the cloneable interface to provide an implementation of clone() method. why so? Please elaborate.

thanks & regards
12 years ago
I think class inside a construtor is just like method level local class which is for the purpose of use and throw, don't need any more. but if you really need the ten's variable x any where outside the ten class, declare a new variable and store that into it. here is the code.

are you passing parameter to that jsp? try <jsp:param> tag, I am also confussed in your question talking about parameter or attribute.

Jehan Jaleel wrote:Hi,

I always thought that in Java when you call a method which takes an Object as a parameter you pass a reference to that object to that method. I thought this holds true even for String since it is an object. But the following code shows that I am wrong...

The above statement is right. but,
String is an immutable class, think about it, you will certainly find out why this is..........
12 years ago
thank you, class-path entry in menifest file resolve my problem. thanks a lot.
13 years ago

But it is not working, I have a file and a jar file. In jar file classes are using this resource file using ResourceBundle.getBundle("Resource.Cofig"), Now this properties file is not inside jar file, it is on the server at location /usr/emtize/ with its package structure. I want to run this jar (Runnable jar). How to do this.

I donot want to chage code.

Thanks & Regards
13 years ago

Thanks for reminding me, I actually want to set path on linux operating system, the resource-bundle is outside of my jar, how to do that.

thanks & regards
13 years ago
Hello Everyone,

I have resource-bundle in my server and a runnable jar file using this resource-bundle, I want to set the path for it. how to do this? please help.

thanks & regards
13 years ago
Hi all,

what is the purpose of a class inside an interface?

Please tell me

Thanks and Regards

value attribute is not given, also if checkbox is not selected it is not passed in the parameter.

thanks and regards
13 years ago

Yunnan Zhou wrote:thanks to Sudhakar Sharma .
now ,it,s works well as my thought


thanks & regards
13 years ago

Please help me, I couldn't able to find out the root cause.

thanks and regards

Matt Brown wrote:When a thread is in sleep 1000ms (Thread.sleep(1000)), does the thread unlock the resource during the 1000ms so other threads can access the resource?

I don't think thread.sleep releases the lock, it's wait()

please confirm

thanks & regards