Mark Spritzler wrote:Yes.
Both are good approaches.
If you are using the latest Spring version you can use the JVM Variable and SpEL Spring Expression Language to dynamically get it. So you wouldn't have to code System.getProperty("myPropertyName");
instead in your xml the value could be
or if you are using an older version of Spring you can use a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, you don't even need to set it to a .properties file. But by default the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer will look for a property called myPropertyName first in the .properties file if there is one, then go to System.getProperty(), then look for an environment variable.
Akshay Lele wrote:Hi can anybody tell me how much time will i take for preparing for scjp 6.0.When i play the cattle game at java ranch i get feedback as silver spur.Thanks in advance