Bal Sharma

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since Sep 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Bal Sharma

Hummm! I am using Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production. I tried to download Personal Edition did not have luck. It is really big file. I bought Enterprise Edition for learning purpose. It cost me $39.99 plus shipping handling all together $55. Oracle shiped me 21 CDs. I only installed 3CDs out of them. I do not know what other CDs are. Hope some day I will know it.
I had no problem for start up data base. I used following user and password. System liked it.
Hope it helps a little bit. -Bal
22 years ago
Here we go.
2 FROM dual;
Is this what you want? If not let us know.
22 years ago
Hello Mark:
I am glad to see you here as a moderator. Hope this forum will be as lively as JAVA Developer Certification forum.
22 years ago
I am not sure what do you mean by oracle 9i OS.
If it is Oracle9i OCP certification track, then I am using "OCP Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL Exam guide". by JASAON COUCHMAN book.
22 years ago
Thanks Beksy for your quick response. I will do waht you have mentioned.
More explanation please, If user has given object creation privileges, Does each user need separate allocated space?
22 years ago
I granted CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE VIEW privileges TO USER 'BAL' FROM DBA 'SCOTT'. Then I loged on as USER 'BAL', User BAL tried to create a table I had following error.
2 (col NUMBER);
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'SYSTEM'
What does it mean? I am following "OCP Introduction to Oracle9i: SQL Exam guide". I do not see any tablespace privileges mentioned in the book. Just it says there is more than 80 privileges. How can I get rid of this? Where can I find details on this?
Any response, direction highly appriciated. Thanks, -Bal
22 years ago
Thanks Beksy and Muhammad for your response.
22 years ago
Hello Everybody:
I think I am ready for Oracle91 1Z0-007 Exam. Could some one please tell me What number should I call or enroll to get 20% discount? Any link or phone number please.
Thanks in advance. -Bal
22 years ago
Hello Siddharth:
I think I did not understand clearly what you mean. Now I hope this is what you wanted to know. I had client and server jar files they had only bytecodes class files on them. Main application jar file had following.

Hope I am not confusing you. -Bal
Never mind, thanks everybody, I got it. -Bal
22 years ago
Hello Leo:
Most of the developers who passed SCJD they had on-line help, it is not a MUST requirement but gives a kinda professional look. Your packaging arrangemet looks good.
I had only bytecode class file. HOpe it helps.
Hello Siddharth:
Looks good. I believe you have DesignChoices document somewhere else. Do not forget to mention it whereever it is (location)in you README.txt.
Hello Andrew:
It sounds to me good. Keep it up. -Bal
Hello Everybody:
I am a newbie here. I need help here how to do it. I am trying to create a user named turner. I had following codes but system did not like it.

If I am not mistaken, it says scott has insufficient privileges. How can I look what privilege does scott have? How can I add
create user privileges to scott. Any response in this regards highly apprciated.
Thanks in advance for response. -Bal
22 years ago