Campbell Ritchie wrote:
That is at best confusing. The String class is in fact marked final. What you mean is that the String reference in the code posted is not final, which means it can be reassigned.Muhammad Khojaye wrote: . . .
String is immutable not final, which means that you cannot alter them once create. So, in this case, two new instance will be created.
sekhar kiran wrote:iam asking separately about overloading and overiding,
sekhar kiran wrote:i know the basic examples ,but what kind of situation we use them,ok but string is final right,so it cannot change their values
Vivek Raj wrote:
A new thing for me. Thank you for modifying the code to make it more tricky.
Vivek Raj wrote:
This means that private Super methods can be called on Sub object, provided the calling method is in super class? Am I correct?
A proxy, in its most general form, is a class functioning as an interface to something else. The proxy could interface to anything: a network connection, a large object in memory, a file, or some other resource that is expensive or impossible to duplicate.
It seems for values ranging from -128 to 127 i==i1 is true. but for others not